Disposable?...….: I haven't had many... - Mental Health Sup...

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I haven't had many good friends through-out my life. Mostly I've just been a punching bag mentally and emotionally. Once in a while physically, but not much. I've just been used for a very long time.

I wasn't popular in school, not even close. Which I didn't mind, helped me stay out of most of the xxxxxxxx I had a small group of friends. Some better than others but that's the same with every friend group right?

I started feeling used when my friends would only wanna hang out if I was driving them somewhere. I started working before all my other friends so I had to learn to drive as soon as possible, which meant I was driving as a freshman. I was used for rides, which I wouldn't have minded if we hung out other times or they offered gas money or whatever. Some of the same people would also only hang out if we were going somewhere to eat. Halfway through the meal or later they would ask if I could help them out with the bill if needed. I agreed, I'm always the person to help. But then it became me paying the full of their bill and not getting anything in return after they say they will pay me back. I guess that's how it started.

With most of my relationships I've been used in different ways. Mostly financially, but also in sexual, emotional, mental, and what I have as far as possession wise. Things that I have worked for that they want to take. And me being my dumbass, pretty much gave them what they wanted.

Only until my last relationship, where I was drained of at least $4,000 from my savings account (the rest of it), had three credit cards opened in my name (just finished paying them off with some help) and got in my car crash (which I could not pay for repairs so my parents helped me out), I started to stop being such a doormat. It's still hard to not say no, but it's for the best, as far as it goes for taking care of myself.

One of my friends in particular, we'll call him J. J has been my friend for YEARS. Probably since I was 14, so almost 7 years. I've been there for him through thick and thin. When he needed a shoulder to cry on or a place to stay, he came to me, and I helped him out. I even came up to visit my parents after moving, J called me (since he lives around there) and said he needed me, I told my parents I was going out and went straight to where he was. I've always had his back. He had mine too, most of the time. I didn't talk about myself much, but when I did, he was there to listen. He didn't know what to say most of the time, but he tried. And that's what I appreciated.

Long story short, J fell off the face of the earth one day. We usually talked all the time, but one day I messaged him and nothing. This went on for a few days. I reached out to one of our mutual friends, and they said he started dating some girl. Then it all made sense. Him dropping me, blocking me on social media, and not replying to me texts. So I wrote him a long text. Nothing mean at all. I told him congrats for getting a girlfriend (he had a crush on this girl for a while) and that I hope hes ok, that I'm still there for him. After that small message I added another part to the rest of it about how he was always bitching about people dropping him when they get in a relationships, and how he has done this several times before and left it at that. He replied, with a thumbs up emoji. From the day after Christmas, until about a month ago, he was gone.

When J started to message me back, he starting acting like nothing happened. He would always go on about him self. But for the first time, yesterday, he started the conversation with a simple hi and how are you. I said 'fine' like I usually did, but he asked what was wrong. I confronted him about what had happened with his ex. He started to make excuses, telling me he wasn't thinking, and he understands my frustration, and that he's sorry and it wouldn't happen again. But it has happened several times before. I asked him why, why did he leave without saying goodbye? If he didn't want to talk for a while or whatever that would've been fine. I just wanted him to tell me that. He said it wasn't HIM, HIS EX drove us apart and HIS EX cut us off. His ex sent the thumbs up. I asked if he knew she did that. His reply was, "she said 'someone' texted me and not to worry about it". 1. If he didn't see it, that means she deleted it. 2. if your significant other isn't telling you who is texting you, something is up. He also said "she must've deleted you off all my social media and phone and such while I was sleeping". Soooooo, she just happened to forget I was on Facebook and deleted me after replying to me? I just can't, I told him goodnight and I would talk to him later.

For the longest time of my life I've felt so disposable. I've felt like I could just be thrown away in the blink of an eye. And that's what happens a lot. When something better comes up or they've used me for what they want and are now done with me, they leave and don't come back. I just really want to understand why people are like this? Why do people think it's acceptable?

I wanted to ask, do you guys think I'm over-reacting? Or is it ok I'm still upset about this?

3 Replies
MAS_Nurse profile image

Hello DameWitchling

Thank you for your message. No wonder you are feeling like you do. It is so difficult when you feel so hurt.

The truth is there are good people out there but it just doesn’t feel that way for you right now.

Have you got a good friend or family member you can talk with? Sometimes writing things down can help you to move forward and get a different perspective on the situation.

We are here and our members are very supportive so may want to help.

I had edit a word that is not acceptable in this group. Please take a look at the guidelines.

The topics and pinned posts might have some helpful advice.

Do get back to us and let us know how you are.

Best wishes

En1234 profile image

You are not wrong to feel like this. I too have been in your position. I have been a "Yes" person for most of my life until I started to say no now and again. I am 53 and work on the theory that I don't mind helping people. But I do help, if it suits me and I know I have got the time for it but if not, I just say, Sorry, Id love to help but just not in a position to do so right now. Sometimes people actually respect you if you say "No" now and again. It doesn't make you a nasty person because you say no.

My mother always told me I was too soft. I saw every new person who ever entered my life as a potential "best friend", even when I was a wee girl, and when I discovered they only wanted my toys, or books or my bike even, I was heartbroken when they got bored of it and then no longer wanted me. I have gone through feeling as though I needed everyone to like me, and think of me as a "really nice person". Constantly looking for approval!! Now, I don't care what they think!!??

I have literally no friends (not including the people I have met on here), but I would rather have no friends than people who used me and pretended to be there. I have my son, who will soon fly the nest himself, my job, (I even sit in my office on my own with my radio for company but I am lucky I have a lot of work to do so never get the time to think I may be "lonely"...

I have lots of people around me to say "Hi" to or stop and have a conversation with but I no longer "need" people in my life because I am confident enough to get on in life by myself. Its a shame because I know I make a really good friend, but people I have been friends with have always found a reason to leave. People get fed up with folk being there all the time. Nobody will ever call a doormat a good friend. People need to respect you as well and I found that nobody ever respected me as a friend because I ALLOWED them to use me.

I also love to bury my head in books. Im very self-sufficient and don't need to rely on anyone. I have my own money and come and go when I please. I would say even at my age, I look OK, but I have had partners in the past who thought I was the best thing since sliced bread when they met me but then thought they could get better and left. Of course a couple of them came crawling back but they soon got booted into touch.

As long as you respect yourself, stop feeling like this. You sound like a lovely person and I wish I had met someone like you a long time ago. We could have been great mates!!

I don't know if my rant has made you feel better but keep your chin up, keep smiling and live your life the way YOU want to...

Sending lots of love to you today XXX

snow_queen profile image

this is a bit late but I've felt similarly before. my situation is different from yours especially in that while I am a people pleaser, I'm also very skeptical of people and slow to trust or get attached. this means that I have a very hard time forming close relationships, but on the flip side, I'm usually not too torn up when I get dumped by a "friend".

I do have a precious few close friends who I know will never dump me. however, I sometimes feel replaceable because I know I'm not anyone's best friend, first choice, etc. when I'm feeling extra insecure, that bothers me. but I'm ok with it because at the end of the day they are awesome people who are really good for me and love me very much, even if I'm not their best friend. this might not work for everybody but it works for me :)

regarding what you were talking about, I don't think you're overreacting - J doesn't seem like he was acting much like a friend while dating his ex. that said, relationships with the wrong people can affect every aspect of a person's life, and I would guess he's made mistakes with more people than just you? I think you have every right to be upset, but you may also want to give him the benefit of the doubt, talk to him once you've cooled down, and then assess the situation to see if he's really your friend anymore or not

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