Pregnant and on Citalopram for depres... - Mental Health Sup...

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Pregnant and on Citalopram for depression

4 Replies

Hi everyone,

I was hoping anyone with any experience could give me an insight.

Last week I found out to my surprise I am expecting. I’m still absorbing this in as my partner and I didn’t plan for this but overall we are happy to be having a baby due later this year. I’m very early in my pregnancy, about 5 weeks I believe, I’m yet to go to the doctor but have an appointment booked this week.

I’ve been on Citalopram 20mg for about 2-3 months since having a bad episode recently of depression. I’m now very concerned about the health of my baby and myself to be honest. I worry my antidepressants shall effect the baby and I would eventually like to come off them whilst going through therapy but I know it’s not a sudden task at hand. As I’ve only started to feel better since being on antidepressants and I fear what will happen to my state of mind coming off them, but I don’t want to harm my baby either.

Has anyone gone through this that can shed some light?

Thank you


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4 Replies
everyrose profile image

Hi there,

I am (sort of) in a similar place. I am thinking of trying to conceive, but have had severe episodes of depression and anxiety since my teens. The past 5 years I have been on mirtazapine and have been managing much better since then. I have talked a lot to my GP about the risks and she has referred me onto the mental health team to get a psychiatrist to review my meds and care plan with me - could you suggest something similar to your GP? I also want to develop a recovery action plan, so if things get hard during pregnancy or after birth I have an agreed plan of action with my GP. Many places in the UK also have a perinatal mental health service and if you are pregnant they will see you very quickly for a consultation.

The other info source which I have found really helpful is the UK teratology service. They provide an information service on medicines in pregnancy. They have a page on Citalopram here: You may want to print this off and take with you to your appointment.

Very best of luck and let us know how it goes.

everyrose profile image
everyrose in reply to everyrose

I should also say - something that's really helped me in my thinking is to realize that nothing is risk free. Anti-depressants have risks in pregnancy, but so does being depressed - especially if you may be at risk of harming yourself or being unable to look after yourself and your baby. It's a balancing act and you need to consider what is best both for you and for your baby

Hi jo im also pregnant with my first im 22 weeks tomo i have severe depression and have been prescribed 75mg of amitryptiline i no its a different sort of antidepressant but i need it without it I would be suicidial etc i would say get ur doc to refer u to the perinatal specialists thats if they have them in ur area thats what i did these specialise in having babies whilst being on medication and i was told amitryptiline is gold standard use in pregnancy i wouldn't stop your antidepressants yet without the advice of a doctor in pregnancy ur hormones are all over the place so u might need something to stabilise ur mood and help u to enable you to stay happy. I agree with what everyrose has said good luck xx

MAS_Nurse profile image

Hello jojonb26, many congratulations on your fantastic news!! I think the reply you have received from 'everyrose' is spot on, and I couldn't have said it better. I do think you need to discuss this with your doctor and ask for a referral to the local mental health team to discuss your treatment options and ongoing perinatal mental health care. You right to be concerned about the potential effects on your baby, and you should discuss the risks and benefits of continuing with Citalopram during your perinatal period. I will include a link to MIND UK with some information about pregnancy and antidepressants. In addition I attach a copy of the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) which should be inside your medicine box and scroll down to the section on pregnancy:

Keep in touch, and let us know how things are going for you.

With many best wishes,

MAS Nurse

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