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Thank you for your replies...

8 Replies

Sorry for a very late reply to my original post. Thank you so much to all those who took the time to reply to my message.

The reason for my late reply is that I have been in a not so good place mentally. Every day is up and down. I am exhausted by how I feel, and that is the reason I have not been up to replying. I hope you may understand.

I read an earlier post where a person said that some people write a post, and then have replies, but never offer support back to others, and do not come back. In my case I have been too down to reply. When I feel so down, I cannot even bring myself to write. As I feel slightly better at the moment, I have come bac to say "Thank You"

The mental health team has disappeared. I cannot even bother to contact them. They passed me from one person to another and each person told me they would refer me to another and so on. I then receive copies of letters from them, where half of what I tell them. seems to not be what I actually told them!

I realise the mental health teams have very little money but at least they should be getting basic details right. Even after all these years I have to keep reciting very traumatic details of what I have gone through to mental health team professionals as either the ones I saw before have left, or the paperwork has "somehow gone missing"

Seriously if it was not quite so tragic, it would be laughable. So I have switched off from them.

Regarding day centres, there are none where I live, which is quite a rural place. There is nothing of any help. There is no MIND centre near here.

I am trying so hard to get even a tiny bit better, but it does not happen. This is it, unless I have a brain transplant. I try and work around how I feel, but as I am sure many of you know yourselves, this also depends on how you feel in the very first place, - a vicious circle

Sorry for such a miserable post. I do have better days too, and I appreciate them so much. I take a lot of pleasure from the simplest of things. My animals keep me going too, so it is not all gloom and doom.

I am now off to read your replies. Thank you all again. x

Love to you all & may you have lots of good days ahead x

8 Replies

Hello Bagpus, Thank you for your reply, however I am a bit confused about it also, I would love to be fully rid of depression and anxiety, plus the other mental health issues. I could and would then improve my life. I do get out daily with my dog, in the countryside, even though I have agoraphobia. I go on holidays and work for myself too. I keep active. I still do a lot of things, but obviously I am held back from doing what I would truly love to, due to how depression, anxiety and agoraphobia make me feel.

I am just confused as I read through my posts, and I cannot find where I wrote that I don't want my life to get better than it is.

in reply to

Oh goodness me i am so incredibly sorry that reply was for another member i have no idea how i made such a dreadful mistake i do beg your pardon and shall delete it instantly

Ji Myranda it's all very difficult and I am sorry you feel so down. I don't really know what to say to help you expect that we have all/are there and do know how you are feeling.

You are not alone any more with this now you have us and we will all do our best to support and help you. x

Photogeek profile image

Hi Bagpus I don't see how you come to the conclusion that MyrandA

Doesn't want her life to get any better than it is!!!! If that were true why would she ask for our help and support. Can't say I understand your



in reply to Photogeek

I made a terrible error there it was for another member. I do apologise for my stupidity i shall concentrate better

Hello Myranda

Mental health at this time seems to be rationed in many areas of the UK, staff are expected to see to many patients in to shorter time, Talking therapy now seems to consist on about six sessions and all the CPN s can do is become creative when arranging further sessions. Or so I understand. That is why day centres , many become charities. are been set up and these become an area where people like us can go and get support. It is very sad that nothing in your area has been set up.

In my old town we had a very active centre with volunteers help, as there was no money to employ more than one or two people with one attending to getting contributions to keep the centre working. This was His one and only duty, the chasing of charity for funds to pay the rent.

Members were also very proactive and used to repair computers, they took in old obsolete machines and issued them to members and then gave instruction on how to use these old machines.

We have another centre near where I live and believe me when I say it is very difficult to get them up and running as it can take twelve months to set up that charity status.

What I am trying to say, everything starts as a seed, that grows into a plant then a tree. Many who set these up are patients in their own right so everything starts with small steps, many in confusion. If you do not have a centre look into ways of starting one, it keeps many patients very busy.

Remember we are here to give you support, we are mostly patients in our own right.

We are here to give support and understanding, working under the gamp of another charity that seems to attract members from near and far.

If you are feeling that low how can we help you. With my depression I can be not very nice and I suppose it all comes down to confusion and anger at how we have been treated over a given time, I seem to read that in your text.


HI Myranda. The remarks about people who come in and post but never reply or come back is a fact of life on here due to depression I'm afraid.

From the point of view of those here who do a lot of replying it can be very disheartening when you have done your best for them but never get any feedback.. Sometimes we do long carefully thought out posts which take a lot of time and effort and never know if they have helped someone or not.

For all of us there are times when we cannot give but can only take. This is fine and everyone understands that. We give when we can and take when we can't. So don't you worry if you can't reply or support at the moment. There will come a time when you can and that's fine. Bev xx

Thanks for your replies. They have helped me. I hope you are having a good day.

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