A little dose of motivation? - Mental Health Sup...

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A little dose of motivation?

11 Replies

Even when the skies are not painted blue

The flowers you are expecting do not bloom

Even when your glowing hope is gone

You still have to stand up and move on.

Even when life gives you lemons

When reality gives you thorns

You still have to bear the pain and burdens

Do not give up and be strong.<3

11 Replies
CarolineLondon profile image

Awe thats so sweet, thanks for sharing that. Im having a right ole mare of a day....who came up with this Christmas malarky! Off to do the last of the shopping, pray for me :-)

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to CarolineLondon


Hi Caroline

I'm praying . Keep your hair on and do one nice thing for yourself today .

Have a nice Latte and chill out,

Hannah xx

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to Photogeek


Thank you sooo much Gemma! Ive found the spot, the place of happiness, took me a little while but Im on it.

Can I share a little something with you that truly makes me happy when I think of my car, I love my car. As you know I came to driving late and Im still learning in a sense, but I get in my car and she and I just bond, we have such a happy time. Like a piece of Nirvana, paradise on earth, even when we are getting ready to go somewhere and just sitting quietly.

So I reminded myself I get to go out with my car and all of a sudden Xmas shopping isnt so bad.

I hope theres something that you love so much. I know you have Luna and I envy you that.

And thank you as always for sending me a message


in reply to CarolineLondon

Your welcome :) and wish you a merry and blessed christmas! You will always be in my prayers (^з^)-☆

Stilltrying_ profile image

Ah that's really sweet. Thanks for that :) Gemma X

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to Stilltrying_

Hi Gemma

Sorry I didn't reply to your longer post yesterday. Will reply later today

As I can relate to it.

Gemma hope your good today.


Hannah xx

in reply to Stilltrying_

Welcome.Hope you had a nice day :) God bless <3

Photogeek profile image

Hi thanks for that. I live the illustration . Happy Xmas.

Hannah xx

in reply to Photogeek

Your welcome and I'm glad that you liked it. Merry christmas to you too.Ho~Ho~Ho~ (^O^)/

HairDetanglers profile image

Amen....and God says it shall be so.

We have got to make the best of every situation even if we are crying in pain while doing so. No one is going to do it for you.

Jesus Christ tells the weak to say I am strong. Because we have a loving God that can resurrect anything dead in our lives.

Thanks for the post!

in reply to HairDetanglers

I agree :) With God there's nothing impossible in our lives. Glad that our savior had been born into this world to cleanse our souls from sins. Wish you a blessed christmas and God bless. Amen! *\(^o^)/*

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