Robin Williams: Just seen on the news... - Mental Health Sup...

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Robin Williams

30 Replies

Just seen on the news that Robin Williams (the comedy actor) has just died. It said he suffered from depression specially the last few years.

RIP Robin. I loved your films. x

30 Replies
hamble99b profile image

just been watching it too.

so sad.

actor, comedian, comic genius, nice man.

in reply to hamble99b

Tis' very said isn't it? Loved him especially in 'Dead Poet's Society' x

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Cough that was my favourite Film, I used to watch Mork and Mindy back in the day.

Just shows how Drpression can tear a life apart even if your famous and rich and talented.

So so sad.

Hannah x

squirrel2 profile image

Will miss his comedy.

He also had bipolar. I can see it on his face in some pics.

celtic27465 profile image

Guy was a comedy genius !

Great actor. Very sad. RIP.

Strangely, at about 11:30pm on BBC3, I was watching Family Guy where there was an episode where Peter somehow got the ability to turn everyone he touched into Robin Williams, because Robin Williams is great and everyone should be a coincidence.

Would be a bit strange if that episode was a coincidence.

Just saw that it's being reported as an apparent suicide. He will be a true loss.

Any death is devastating, and in my opinion, or for me at least, even more so with suicide. From past high profile suicides, it's clear quite what a widespread impact one high profile suicide can have, and I can imagine how big this is going to be.


in reply to

I did read it was suspected suicide amandaoc but didn't want to put that bit on here. x

in reply to

No worries. Was careful first and saw it's already all over the media.

All anyone on social media etc seems to be talking about today is depression, suicide etc, as a result - which I am sure will cause difficulties for some.

21esme profile image

Oh my, this is so sad.

Bit of a shock to wake up this morning & see this. Damn shame. Really like him & have since Mork & Mindy. Goes to show that you can be hugely successful, have millions of adoring fans, have more money than God & still suffer from depression. Feel bad for his family

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

James I agree, shows us that all those things are not enough sometimes

Hannah x

in reply to

I was just thinking about this. Before today, when you (or at least when I) would think of Robin Williams you would think he was one of the happiest people on the planet. He was always making jokes & making people laugh. You would never in your wildest dreams imagine he would die in this way sad & alone. We all need to realise that we are all one bad day/week/month/year away from getting as low as he unfortunately did. If depression could get someone who had so much & gave so much we have to be vigilant & fight it more & harder.

WantToChange profile image

I feel really sad about this. He was beloved by families for his comedy. I loved Mrs Doubtfire. Me and my brother laughed every time we watched it together as kids. I feel sad to think he was struggling so much. I can't help but think that he was depressed because of the drugs and alcohol addictions. And perhaps he had these addictions because of the pressures of Hollywood. Like so many celebs before him, the pressure was too much. You can't give someone god-like status and expect them to be level-headed. He was a good man and a great comedian and I will still laugh at his films.

RIP Mr Williams

warren218 profile image

Sad sad loss. We know we are not alone in our feelings, of battling depression and heartache. Just grew tired of the constant war I suppose. RIP to a comic genius but also a highly versatile actor.

Suzie40 profile image

He had ADHD too x

wallflower_fairy profile image

I know! I found out just now, I'm shocked. From what I saw he was incredibly talented, smart, and seemed like a lovely person. Mrs Doubtfire was definitely one of my favourite films when I was a kid. We used to watch it all the time. It's so upsetting to think that he got to the point where he would take his life. It's impossible to imagine the stress of fame - and like James says people can look on the surface that they've got everything - but it doesn't mean they still don't have problems. You can't envy anyone. I feel for his family.



knowthyself profile image

Sad news. I have some great memories of him. His stand up about how golf was invented was total genius :)

cagonzalez46 profile image

I love him too, as do millions of his fans. He impacted on the world in such a positive, wonderful way! He was our true Pagliacci. I saw the mischievous twinkle in his eyes but I saw the sadness too! I am heartbroken by his passing and can empathise because I am a depression sufferer too. R.I.P. Dear Robin Williams! God bless!

Saw this late last night on the news such a funny guy poor soul RIP you made so many laugh and cry x

Photogeek profile image

Hi Cough I was so sad when I heard about Robin Williams a brilliant funny and talented man.

RIP Robin

Hannah x

bepete profile image

My favourite of his was bicentennial man , what a shame !

I found out when I was out doing my weekly shop, and saw the newspaper headline .

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to bepete

mine too and patch adams.

there has been so much talked about mental health support today, hopefully that will help people to get help and help tackle social stigma.

sky are posting links to different agencies inc mind, samaritans and rethink mental illness.

CarolineLondon profile image

Im sorry about Robin Williams he was a very talented man, I remember years ago he talked about his depression, I presume with all the ups and downs he was bipolar?

Thing is about suicide whats so sad about it, is the sense of waste, the things he might have done or enjoyed had he stuck around longer. Also for us its pertinent as Im sure we all battle with suicidal thoughts and I will suggest none of us fear death because of that.

I'm not worried about RW I'm sure he's having a fine ole time where ever he is, but I feel sorry for his wife, she must feel truly awful. I wouldn't wonder if she felt in part it was her fault, maybe thinks she could have done more, what and awful place to be. Of course she couldn't have done anything, once he decided for himself it was time to go.

So sad like when Jackson died because we grew up with these people.

Thanks for letting us know xx

CarolineLondon profile image

Oh and did you know James Garner died in july! ....Loooved James Garner. 86 natural causes.

Oh no didn't know James Garner had died. Loved him. I actually know one of his nephews but haven't seen him for ages. x

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to

Really, wow. He always seemed like a nice person and good lookin too. Loved Maverick the film thought it was so funny, such a shame Mel Gibbson turned out to be such a d*ck. Not that I liked him before but still.

I used to get James mixed up with Burt that very bad :-)

warren218 profile image

Is the death of Robin Williams making anyone else feel a bit more normal? Less alone?

in reply to warren218

For me personally, it doesn’t make me feel any more or less ‘normal’ but hits it home just how vulnerable all human beings are, even having searched for help.

I can’t help hoping that the world quickly moves away from his death to just celebrate his life, the loss of Robin Williams under any circumstances will be incredibly hard to accept.

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to warren218

less alone because there are so many people discussing anxiety and depression. it all helps bring awareness and hopefully remove the stigma of mental health conditions.

Warren, I hope being a member of this site also helps you feel less alone.



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