Had a few drinks last night watching ... - Mental Health Sup...

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Had a few drinks last night watching England game. Now feel really depressed and tired. Wish it was night then I could go to bed

trisha1234 profile image
9 Replies
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trisha1234 profile image
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9 Replies

Hi I am gutted about England losing as well. My advice is if you are tired go to bed! It doesn't have to be night time you know. Sounds like a nap would do you the power of good. x

trisha1234 profile image
trisha1234 in reply to

Thanks. But do you think drinking makes the depression much worse ? X

snow-13 profile image
snow-13 in reply to trisha1234

100% makes everything worse. From experience I know that. Try be good to your body, put in good things and listen to your body thanking you. Alcohol is not good and only makes you tired out next day as you said. As people we are always going to find something to be gutted about. It is about what we do with these thoughts. So just for today I am going to try be the best person to myself as i can. Start with yourself and it will grow great things for you. Fruits don't grow over night on trees, it takes time of nurturing and care. x x Your so not alone. I tried alcohol and it did make me feel good till the next day, downhill every time. Now I am trying to put good things into my body and take one wee step at a time .... in the right direction x

Oh yes. Alcohol is a known depressant. I stick to 2 drinks when I go out and am fine with that. Too much drink makes me more depressed. It's all England's fault - how dare they lose - the twats!! :d x

Suzie40 profile image
Suzie40 in reply to


ava17 profile image

Trisha how are you feeling now ? I feel dreadful x

trisha1234 profile image
trisha1234 in reply to ava17

Hi Ava

I'm a bit better. Trying to shake off all this anxiety and depression. Just feeling so resentfull and irritable. X

ava17 profile image

Yes drinking makes it worse x

ava17 profile image

Me too sat in a coffee shop after seeing the doctor. My anxiety is really bad. Ordered a coffee and burst into tears at the counter. Gosh what's going on with me.... X