I haven't been diagnosed with depress... - Mental Health Sup...

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I haven't been diagnosed with depression but I feel depressed

7 Replies

Well I see a lot of people feel the same way I do so I must not be alone

7 Replies

Hi and welcome to the site. You are certainly not alone, everyone who uses this site has been or is depressed. We are a friendly bunch of people and support one another, so we will support you as best we can and will welcome your support when you feel able to give it.

If you feel depressed then you ARE depressed. Do you have any ideas why, is it in response to particular events or do you not know where the depression began?


coatpin profile image

Well if you feel flat and very low for longer than 2 weeks you should go see your doctor

Hi why don't you take an online depression test? The nhs site has one if you google it. That should give you a better idea. I agree that if you do go and see your doctor, maybe meds and/or counselling would help. Let us know how you get on x

brokenlostgirl profile image
brokenlostgirl in reply to

i took a test and it said i have moderate depression but i havent been diagnosed or seen a doctor yet and my friend who says she has depression because she has all symptoms says i dont have it and it makes me feel like im nothing. what should i do? i feel lost and alone

Well I've always felt out of place since I could remember I was adopted when I was a day old from my grand parents my mum had me when she was about 21 she all ready had 4 kids .when I was old enough to talk I wanted to stay with my mum but didn't understand why I couldent live with her .it wasn't till I was thirteen when my mum and my syblings moved in to town and I didn't realized how they lived .it was a shock to my system I had to live with her and then I regretted it and I wanted to go home but my nan and pop left town for work so I to buk it up and it felt hard I had to change .it was a struggle .as soon as I turned 16 I left my mums and left school by then school was difficult couldn't pay attention I hated it so I left and moved in with my older sister she got me a job I dident hold it for long might of been about two months I've done a lot of jobs here and there but can't seem to hold them I didn't think life was going to be this hard I'm 24 now and feel I don't know how to make life better . It makes me angry that my family are able to totarate life and I can't. I love them and all but I don't have it in me and find it hard to learn .the world is too fast and I can't keep up and it sucks .that's the most writing I've done ever . I'm sorry if its a bit mutch.

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Hi there and a warm welcome to thus site. Yes you have certainly

Had a difficult start. All those things and the turbulence you had

In childhood would have affected you. But you seem to have a good

And forgiving attitude to your family.

Please don't be worried about finding out if you are Depressed, knowledge is power as the ad says. So knowing what wrong and

And how to deal with it, is a positive start.

I am sure you are as bright as anyone else, but you might not have

Got education or encouragement . But education is a life long thing

And you are still young. So don't focus too much on that.

In Depression we usually judge ourselves harshly and negatively , so

Maybe that why you think this. Some kind of therapy or counselling

Would really help.

I think action is needed. make an appointment

With your GP and we will try and support you too. May I say well done

For writing all this as it's not easy for everyone to articulate

Their feelings online.


VaultBoy profile image
VaultBoy in reply to

Hello and welcome piripi12.

I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems. I'm having a similar problem to you aside from others. Having an adoptive father myself and being lied to until I turned 25 was no shock to me. I always felt out of place. What you can do from here is look back and think about who raised you and how. If you're a good person and you came from a family of good people then you can be happy about that even when you're sad.

As far as the jobs go do you think it is your ability to do the job or attitude or something? Is it a dislike to the jobs? What makes you skip jobs so quickly?

If you find it hard to learn it's likely is down to poor concentration or lack thereof. This isn't your fault I should imagine you are feeling disconnected from the world and your place in it seems distant. I too feel this way and one way to correct this is to soul search. Find out what you're really good at and try to make it your way of life.

Know this... you are going to be supported here regardless of what you say. I started posting on here about 2 weeks ago the wall of text was huge and a good bunch of people helped with advice one of which is Suex the administrator.

I can tell you one thing. Since speaking to people here they have advised me to see my GP and ask for counselling/therapy and thats very good advice. I haven't done that [yet] but I intent to now that things have gotten much worse for me. You see I don't want you to make the same mistake I have. Letting time pass with your eyes closed doesn't make the problem go away it hides it but things could get worse.

I urge you to act now because preventing further problems is greater than the cure.

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