better day despite the falls - Mental Health Sup...

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better day despite the falls

10 Replies

Hi everyone

Today has been an ok day for me despite being in pain and the usual depressed feelings. First I went to the walk in centre about my intercostal muscular injury and the triage nurse was lovely but the second one implied I had wasted their time going (!) as they do nothing with rib injuries anyway, and although I pointed out that I had come to check what I had injured as I was not sure I felt irritated.

However, a friend is coming for lunch tomorrow and the idea felt too much but I made myself go shopping to get some nice things for lunch and that brightened me up a bit. Then I made myself a really healthy lunch and sat in the garden eating it. The sunshine and flowers really cheered me up and I decided to just do a little bit of pottering to see what I could manage. In the event I spent the whole afternoon working out there despite the pain and now I feel much better for it, still in pain but healthier.

I hope you have all had a good day today too and are enjoying the gorgeous weather where you are.


10 Replies
Photogeek profile image

Hi Sue that other nurse sounds very hard, but I'm glad you managed to get

Some pottering done, gardening and looking at flowers is always a great antidote

To life's slings and arrows.

Nice to have a friend coming and you can have a good chat. But don't do too

Much or you will take longer to heal. Anything with the ribs is very painful.


in reply to Photogeek

thanks, x

Gambit62 profile image

Sorry about the unsympathetic nurse.

Glad that you managed to get moving and felt that today was a better day.

in reply to Gambit62

thank, xx

I'm happy you felt cheery today Secondhandrose.

in reply to

thank you, I didn't exactly FEEL cheery but I did cheery things which is something!

Well done Sue. It just proves that those with depression have to do something to get motivated instead of the other way round. Sounds like you have a good day. xx

in reply to

Yes I did have the energy to motivate myself a little. Thanks for your good wishes, Suex

Suzie40 profile image

It's horrible when medical people make you feel silly. If we all had the same knowledge as them, they'd be out of their jobs! Hope you have a lovely lunch with your friend x

in reply to Suzie40

Thank you - we did! x

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