Posts - Men's Health Forum (Penis Health) | HealthUnlocked

Men's Health Forum (Penis Health)

35,746 members8,947 posts

All posts for August 2020

Urethra infection/damage

Hi all, been dealing with some sort of infection, I think, im really not sure wh...
karloroberts profile image

Penis pain (glans) after using dilator

Hi everyone, Approx. 7 weeks ago I did something very very stupid. I went into m...
Thomas708 profile image

Penis Length

Hey guys, Ive measured my penis again and it seems bigger. I seem to be around 5...
Heyo124 profile image
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I have many lines and wrinkles all over my penis head and the ring. It looks bad. Should i be concerned and how can i solve this ?

Recently it looks like 80 year old penis when its not erect
Walin121 profile image

Day 10 post op

So i have almost no pain but it does still feel pretty uncomfortable doing thing...
Rcazzz98 profile image

Will this opened wound close up and after how long?

I've been circumcised for 3weeks now, and there's an open wound that concerns me...
Moh-How profile image

Day 20

Looks like most of my stitches are gone. Tried wear looser underwear but so far ...
Brian225 profile image

Had operation today.

Hey guys, just been discharged from hospital after having my op. Went for high a...
Hidden profile image

Day 7 post circumcision

Hi guys I’m currently 7 days from being circumcised and some glue has detached f...
Ytfcboy profile image

Just a question

Its day 27 of circumcision recovery and still i have stitches and a little swe...
dreed_eye profile image


I was in the shower one day and saw that there was what I believed was smegma B...
tuperr profile image


Hi, i would just like some friendly advise regarding a circumcision. Its Day 4 ...
Zar32 profile image

Forsekin streching progress

Here i come with a update after 1 month streching it really helped me a lot i co...
Prakash65336 profile image

Red spot on back of penis. Had rough oral a week or so ago and been using neosporin. Still kinda there and not going away?

So I had rough oral with a girl (teeth kinda got me repeatedly) and didn’t think...

What are these purple spots after unprotected sex?

Hello I’m going to need your help. last night I had unprotected sex and this isn...
Hidden profile image


Its day 26 of circumcision recovery and there are a few stitches on my penis ....
dreed_eye profile image

Uncircumcised / redness / painful

I’m uncircumcised and when I pull my foreskin back it’s red and if I pull back e...

Ejaculate stops forcefully

What would be the effect, if we stops ejaculation forcefully after releasing 4-5...
Hidden profile image

How do I get comfortable after circumcision

Today I have been circumcised I was told to put my penis vertically but do I wra...
London432 profile image

Traction Device

My penis use to have an upward curve when I was a teen. It started curving down ...
30male profile image


Hi.. frnds.. What is a side effect of too much removing foreskin on penis.. mean...
July31 profile image

day 18 of circumcision

I am on day 18 and I still have about 4 dissolvable stitches left, and some swel...
Fernz12 profile image

Bath post op

Hi its been 3 weeks now from my post op circumcision. Can i have a bath now? Im ...
Kj67 profile image

Swelling after circumcision

I got circumcised on the 4th Aug, approx 18 days now and the swelling has not su...
Skeletonman profile image

Bxo & sexual life

How You are doing in your sexual life after diagnosed with LS?
BXOLS19 profile image

Erections after circumcision

Its now in 3rd week after circumcision surgery. Ive noticed thier is fresh blood...
Kj67 profile image

small tissue or flesh growth at circumcision stitching area.

i had complete my circumcision surgery on 8th of august, and it get healed norma...
pruban profile image

Prostate health supplements?

Does anyone have any experience with prostate health supplements? I'm thinking a...
jeffersonn6 profile image

Any idea what this is?

Hi there I was wondering if anyone knew what this white/yellow stuff is? I have ...
Robert-_ profile image

Frenulum breve + minor phimosis (or is it paraphimosis?)

Hello everyone, I’ve been reading this forum for the past month as I’m about to ...
jacolol profile image

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