Hello i have a problem, i can’t figure out the white small blister on my glans is a lump or acne ? and It’s been there for 3-4 days. I’m 18 and I’m wondering what problem caused for this blister? Is it happened because the area wasn't clean enough or?
White -Yellowish Lump on Penis - Men's Health Foru...
White -Yellowish Lump on Penis
Unfortunately just by the description it can't be diagnosed and the best move forward is to keep the area clean , refrain from popping it or squeezing it and going to see a doctor. All the best !
thanks, should i upload only the blistered area in order to show you what is look like?
Don’t upload. It will just get deleted.
Yea don't upload as it's against the forum rules. Have you had any trauma to the site , unprotected sex , skin irritation etc . Generally blisters can form and can be red with pus points. If its something that you see over your body or face , it might just be a hair follice being clogged but this is on the penis head you say ? If so it very unlikely and could be a bacterial infection . Best would be to get it assessed by a doc. Do you have any other symptoms ? Also does it hurt when touched ?
i said blister but it’s more like an acne, like white yellowish and small, its shape messy and round but not that round. I had sex about 1 year ago and i did it with condom. I dont have any other problem except its appearance, it doesn’t hurt by the way. Also it maybe about me because i couldn’t take a shower for 2 weeks
Oh alright then . Best would obsly be to meet a doc . If you can't maybe hot water bath with non irritant soap can keep the area sterile till then . Try not to touch the area and let soap water do the job . Keep the area dry after and I guess antibiotic powder like neomycin would do no harm to apply topically . All the best and do meet a doc whenever you can !
As Velcro93 says, get checked by a doctor.
Might be friction, apply Fusidic Acid/Hydrocortisone if possible ointment.If this thing appeared just after sex/masturbation
You really should run it by a doctor. Usually yellowish color indicates pus and infection. If its nothing, the doctor can prescribe something.