I've heard a lot, actually everyone, saying that you should keep the penis in the air so it can create scabs and heal it faster. I looked up "moist healing" on youtube and found out that the skin heals faster (4-6x faster) than dry healing could, and it helps lessen scarring. And thought "why can't I just apply that healing method on my dingdong?" so I decided to experiment on myself and try this out and see if it works. I basically wrapped it in wipeys and change it in the morning, noon, and before I went to sleep. When I changed the dressing I'd pour salt water all around the wound and let it air dry before wrapping it with that moist wipey again. I'm on day 10 and I've already lost six stitches and the frenulum is healing quicker than I thought. If anyone has done this moist healing please let me know how it went for you guys! and those who plan to try this too dm me and keep me updated or ask me any questions.
Moist Healing: I've heard a lot... - Men's Health Foru...
Moist Healing
The idea of moist wound healing is not to use wet bandage on wound. It just falls down the temperature on wound, cause drying needs energy.
I think your own doctor should tell you more about wound healing and even justify why to or not to do something. Just ask them.
Wet bandage was not used. Soaked bandages if anything is harmful. These damp towels dry in like 30 min
Ok. Do whatever makes you happy.
Do whatever works*
Medical care by YouTube. Not my go to resource but if it works for you then it is, after all, your penis.
Oh no I mean I stumbled crossed it on YouTube of the method, then ofc did my research to see if it was true lol. Definitely don’t just believe whatever someone tells you. Always do your own research first!
I’d quite like to here more I’m on day 9. Last one stitch by mistake haha. Been bathing the last 2 days In salt water and noticed a huge difference.
Last stitch came off?!