Day of Circumcision : I’m getting... - Men's Health Foru...

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Day of Circumcision

24 Replies

I’m getting circumcised in about a month. Can any of you share your stories or experiences what to expect the day of the surgery? What happens when you check in? Did they just put you to sleep and you just woke? Very anxious and nervous about this.

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24 Replies
DeltaNine profile image

I was going in for another operation and asked for both to be done at the same time, so my experience might not be too relatable to yours, everywhere can be different but I imagine the doctors at the clinic/ hospital you’re getting it done could talk you through the whole procedure with plenty of time in advance- if you’re too anxious- talk to your GP first, if I’d had the courage and the experience I do now I would’ve asked for the smallest possible prescription of Valium to help me calm down enough to actually ask what I was wondering with enough time before the operation so I could contemplate everything with enough time to reassure myself and not live with weeks of intense anxiety, or change my plans or surgeon if I really wasn’t feeling like ALL my concerns were being carefully understood.

I was out with a general anaesthetic, there was swelling that was scary, but actually totally normal and started dissipating no worries after a week or so, swelling was totally gone after about three weeks, but erections were still painful for a few more weeks after that. Glans hypersensitivity took a bit longer to stop being disruptive, but that was not scary, if anything a helpful reminder to be careful of a sensitive area that was fully healed after about 6 weeks.

Fortunately the surgery went well, achieved what I needed and so it was worth the temporary increase in discomfort but I was so nervous about asking any questions other than if I could get the operation done that I missed opportunities to talk things like highness, looseness, methods available to reduce stitches leaving marks, skin tags that might need future removal etc. This was relevant for me as a couple of the stitches were a bit too tight presenting a minor cosmetic issue I later resolved with a cosmetic laser surgeon.

I hope you can trust you’ll be in the hands of experienced, compassionate professionals and if the anxiety is (understandably) interfering with your regular life that you have a good relationship with a GP you can talk it through with.

in reply to DeltaNine

Thank you. What other surgery did you you have done by the way?

I will be under general anesthesia but i’m kind of scared of that. My wife will be with me to take me home and pick me up.

in reply to

Having someone to support you is paramount in my opinion. I have a supportive wife as well, if it is another partner that’s fine-support is what helps. I so far have had no other surgery

in reply to DeltaNine

Very nice sharing and informative. I am not Dr so did not want to suggest Diazepam/Valium but that was my “hint” Not sure if you needed/ had problem or just desired circumcision. If you are satisfied and happy that’s all that matters. One life, one sex life. In any event sounds like you are pleased and as stated “solved 2 problems” I think, not sure, unless you tell Dr of a certain type of circumcision (styles-irrelevant to me, or opt for a cosmetic result, that also is fine. Premise in my opinion why many get plastic surgery. I think unless specified, Dr performs “normal circumcision “ if there is such a thing. Every circumcision seems different, Frenulum or not etc. Your satisfaction is ALL that matters and if functional-leave it alone-thank you, best of heath

DeltaNine profile image
DeltaNine in reply to

I agree with this, if there’s nothing wrong with your frenulum or inner foreskin, it could be worth discussing keeping as much as possible

You will be checked in, Dr should visit, discuss any concerns prior to surgery. An anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist may visit. Sounds like you are having general light sedation. You will wake up. A nurse should be there in recovery or post op area. You will be checked before being released for bleeding. I hope someone ( usually required) will be there after for you. Please get post op instructions for reading at home as you may be nervous. You will be released when fully awake. You will be fine. Lastly if you are extremely anxious, some Drs may prescribe something for you to take, all Drs have their routines. Wish you well, please keep someone posted if you need support-easier said, try to be calm, you WILL BE FINE

in reply to

Thanks, yes. I’m a bit nervous. My doctor is great, but I feel like I wasn’t educated enough about cuts and such so i didn’t ask him at the consult because i did know. One thing he did say was that he would leave enough skin so i would be comfortable when i had an erection.

Why are most adult circumcision under general anesthesia instead of local?

in reply to

Education is important. Don’t be nervous prior to seeing Dr prior to surgery in pre-op area. Age is one factor, general health is another and I feel anxiety may also be a reason. Different Drs also may have a preference for you being general versus local. To best of my knowledge, light sedation is used by talented anesthesiologists/nurse anesthetist. You will be fine, and of course anxiety/nervousness. Soon it will be a thing of past, with healing being your concern-truly wish you best. Personally I think leaving more skin is better, not an option for me

in reply to

Have you gotten this done? How old are you? I have an arrhythmia so i’m just scared of the general anesthesia

in reply to

I hope you have informed Dr of your cardiac history. You should as I said see anesthesiologist/nurse anesthetist prior to procedure. Please make them aware of cardiac arrhythmia. They monitor very closely. You will be fine. A lot are done under local. At least here, cost up with general anesthesia, Another is general health in my opinion and lastly recovery room time is shorter. Finally local may give short term pain relief. Also, Dr preference sometimes, my opinion So economically here less cost. I just hit 70. And yes, still no regrets. Ask further questions of Dr. I assume there was a reason general/sedation was advised? Keep someone in loop. Yes I had a medical circumcision in young 20’s

in reply to

Yes. I am going to have all the check ups for clearance before this is done. Ok. Thought you had it at 70.

in reply to

No in my 20’s. And glad you know you have all check ups required before surgery & cleared-so important

BLUFman profile image

Hi Max,

I got cut 12 days ago, and I’m writing a blog *almost* daily about my experience. It includes some time before and where I am up to now if you are interested -

in reply to BLUFman

Thanks. Good blog. Just curious; Did you have to shave, or did they shave you completely? Just wondering about that.

BLUFman profile image
BLUFman in reply to

I didn’t shave, when I came around after the anaesthetic I noticed they gave me a little shave around the base but not all over

I read that you mentioned having to tell yourself family about your surgery. How did you do that? I don’t have to tell my parents, but since we live in the same town, they will know I’m going to surgery. what did you say?

BLUFman profile image
BLUFman in reply to

I thought I would have to tell my family because I was going in for surgery, but in the end I didn’t need to. I just stayed at a friends house for a few days following the procedure and by the time I went home I was fine, so they don’t know.

BLUFman profile image

Hey man - I wrote (and still currently am) a blog about my experience 13 days ago if you wanted to read it -

shane2801 profile image

Hi Max, I am 3 weeks post Op and everything went fine. My anaesthetist called me the night before surgery. He offered a local or general anaesthetic. I laughed and said General for sure. I asked him why does he offer both. He said that some people are nervous about GA.

I guarantee the anaesthetist will know everything about your arrhythmia as you will be asked. To make you feel better its not a big procedure. You will not be out to it for long. You will be fine. Look at it as an adventure. By the time you are ready to go in you will be more excited than nervous.

Anaesthetists are the closest thing we have to God on this earth. Only they can send you off and bring you back. :) The anaesthetist will be there the whole time. He/she monitors all your vitals during the procedure. You have nothing to worry about. Going under is the best. You will not have a better sleep ever.

Ask the anaesthetist for Midazolam. He will administer this first. It is the best feeling ever!!!! Within seconds you will feel on top of the world. The very next second you will be waking up 80 mins later all done.

I didnt have alot of pain after surgery. When I felt a little uncomfortable I took a painkiller and was fine 20 mins later. This only went on for 2 days.

Good luck mate. Let us know how you went.

Brian225 profile image

Honest day of surgery easy. Your anaesthetic doctor will say hi and the surgeon says hi. They wheel you in and u breathe gas. You fall asleep and next time you wake up you are done.

For me it little unsettling and honest had no idea where I was. Like I ask the nurse what was sprite and cookies for and she was like bc u haven't ate anything.

They will have u pee and after that u are on way home.

I would recommend first few nights empty your bladder bc night erections HURT.

Just imo to be somewhat functional plan at least 21 to 28 days. I seen folks go out into world earlier but like doing lot activities I didn't do much till day 21 and no work till day 28 and even then I was dragging

in reply to Brian225

Ah. Cool. Thanks. Did you have to shave or trim your pubic hair? Or did they do that to you? Was it done while you were asleep?

Brian225 profile image
Brian225 in reply to

Nope. Just came as I was.

Sancheeesie profile image

everywhere is going to be different and unfortunate for me I got it done with the VA, got my circumcision done about two weeks ago, I didn't have a choice when it came to anesthetics, they gave my local, and have to say that was the most painful thing I've had to go through. before they started the made me pee for urine analysis and got changed to the gown, the procedure took about 30-45mins, so not that long; they gave me antibiotics for three days in case of infection now aftercare was a little iffy for me cause the paper they gave me didn't have much to say so I've been doing what I felt was "right" and calling the nurse helpline since none of the doctors or nurse from urology ever called me back so I've just been wrapping it up with a bandage into the stitches fall out. honestly, my recommendation would be to stop drinking water a couple of hours before bed cause of night erections and you will be woken up from your sleep lol. but over not a horrible experience still a little sensitive but not upset with how it's healing.

Hud123 profile image

I was not nervous to get it really becuse I wanted to remove the skin. Anyways when I come to the clinic. I will give u what happend step by step.

1. I paid.

2. The nurse gived me paracetamol.

3. Aftet about 30 min the dockor come and he looked at the penis and give it some

”anesthesia” with a ointment.

4. After about 45-60 min they called me to the operating room.

5. I was awake the whole time under the surgery.

6. The dockor gived me anesthesia in to the penis, I feeled it (litle pain)

7. After about 10 min, i did not feel tje penis anymore.

8. The DR removed the skin with a LASER, i did feel the skin fall of.

9. After that he sewed the wound, here did i feel sometimes that the needle comming through the skin.

10. The surgery done! It taked about 40 min tje surgery.

Good look mate, and you will get much mire sexy penis when its 100 % healed.

/was 18 when i got the surgery.

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