I'm a 25 yo guy and I have these white little dots in my foreskin, mostly in two parts on the sides of my foreskin. They have been there for many years, not sure how long...
I had condyloma (very small genital warts) couple years ago, but it should have been cured alright. I used to fuck quite a few girls without condom so I've taken stupid risks in my younger life, I fear this is some other hpv virus/herpes that could cause this. I have not tested herpes, but I doubt that... My 3 year long ex gf got condyloma from me but not any itching problems.
The doctors claim this is just excema. I've shown my itchy and dry penis to at least 3 doctors and they always give me some kind of cream to moisture it.
I feel like the creams don't really do much, they help a bit with itching and moisture a bit, but the skin never goes back to normal smooth it was looong time ago.
I feel like eating lots of carbs and being bored at home is the worst thing to do. However it is not a yeast, it was tested.
What's ur opinion? Anyone here got similar experience?
Photo below.