It has been exactly 1 week since my circumcision and I was wondering if anyone has good tips for the hyper sensitivity as it’s very uncomfortable atm. Also some of my stitches are covered up due to swelling (at the top) so can’t get to them to well in the shower and there seems to be yellow stuff around them. Just looking for some general advice as everyone on here seems very informative. Cheers
Post circumcision advice! Advice - Men's Health Foru...
Post circumcision advice! Advice
Hi Chris,
I’m on week 3 and I think all stitches have now come out with a little helping snip here and there.
The swelling will soon go down, when showering I found pulling skin back and letting water run over it then making sure dry with hairdryer.
I started using salt water last week which helped I think also.
It’s all completely normal
Best of luck with it
Thank you for the reassurance
Same situation. I had surgery last Thursday and I can't really see the top stitches due to swelling. I follow the post if more information will occur
I'm circumcised 5 months and the hyper sensitivity was grim, I had sever phimosis and my glans were never exposed. I dealt with it when showering let the water gently drip over the glans to get it used to New sensations. If you're wearing clothes put a light layer of vaseline over the glans to stop it becoming irritated against clothes. Let it breathe as much as possible at home I mainly wore a dressing gown without boxers to let it climatise. Any other questions feel free to give me a message bud. Good luck with the healing
Thank you for the advice it will help out a lot
Hi Christopher, I had the similar issue and saw my GP (I am 11 days into my recovery). He advised that Hyper sensitivity is mainly down to bruising caused by the operation and skin being soft. Main areas affected is the shaft, frenulum area and tip of the gland. If you are still struggling I would suggest to see your GP and ask for Co-Dyramol which is a stronger paracetamol. I used this for a week and it has improved massively and not struggling as much now. I am now waiting for the frenulum to heal.