What do you like to do when baby naps?: - Mamafit


What do you like to do when baby naps?

MumsSocialAdmin profile imageMumsSocialAdminAdministrator5 Voters

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2 Replies
Sar_83 profile image

Clearly I’m one to sit on the couch during nap time but it’s the only time of day that feels truly like ‘me’ time! It feels like such a treat to be able to sit with a hot cup of tea & a snack or read a magazine/watch trashy tv.

I’d much rather incorporate my baby/kids into exercise time, not only because they enjoy the fresh air/change of scene but also because it shows them that it’s good to move your body, even if they seem too young to understand why yet. Plus buggy running is right on nap time so it’s a win-win all round 😜

MumsSocialAdmin profile image
MumsSocialAdminAdministrator in reply to Sar_83

You can’t beat a bit of trashy tv can you?! Nap time and buggy running sounds like a good combo 👍🏻