Lupus and Staph: Hi, Just thought I'd provide a... - LUPUS UK


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Lupus and Staph

lupuswriter profile image
6 Replies


Just thought I'd provide a link to an article which describes a journal report (Journal of Immunology, August 2012) which shows a connection between repeated or chronic staph infections and lupus flares--or possibly the development of lupus itself. While the study (at the Mayo Clinic in the US) was performed on mice, according to the authors, the existence of the staph/lupus link offers promise for the possible development of new therapies and even perhaps for preventing lupus in some people. This is the

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6 Replies
Barnclown profile image

V interesting article: many thanks

I was on flucloxacillin for 5 months last autumn-spring for osteomyelitis in upper jaw with sinusitis in associated cavity, which was initially recognised due to a triple+ staph aureus nasal passage infection....all mainly due to a 20yr + molar infection Insufficiently treated by my dentists who were unaware I had Lifelong lupus. I've been wondering why some aspects of my overall condition improved after that long term aggressive antibiotic treatment (I have taken antibiotics often all my life, as I seem to catch any infection going)....maybe some day this sort of research will help me find answers...

lupuswriter profile image
lupuswriter in reply to Barnclown

Thanks for the interesting comment. Glad the infection finally was cleared up and you're feeling better. When I read your note I remembered something I read about chronic periodontal disease (not a molar, but still the mouth). Chronic periodontal infection has been associated with systemic inflammation—this line of study takes a close look at neutrophils (which are white blood cells that attack invading organisms). The theory is, when neutrophils hang around in the blood stream and throw out a chemical to entrap bacteria (researchers call these chemical traps NETs—neutrophil extracellular traps), the chemical traps become an irritant in the host (us!!) and cause inflammation. I just read a short piece from the University of Birmingham (UK) in which Iain L. C. Chapple (Professor at the University) expresses an interest in the association between NETs and autoimmune disease. URL for piece: I don't know where this research will lead, but I think, on a practical level, maybe it would be wise to pay more attention to our mouths. I certainly intend to get a long-standing issue checked out.

Barnclown profile image
Barnclown in reply to lupuswriter

more fascinating info: many thanks!!!

in my case the irony is that since childhood i have been v conscientious about caring for my mouth/teeth and am told i have a fab mouth. i was diagnosed with lupus as a teen & an infant, but my mother never told me. so i did i just had an instinct re appropriate self-care? anyway, my ENT/dental symptoms are all well managed. only the molar infection got away in spite of root canal in the early '90s and, more recently, extraction and implant replacement (all during the course of my recent rediagnosis....during which my v lupus experienced rheumy said: continue to take extra good care of your mouth). whatever, my NHS ENT & Max fac consultants tell me my jaw bone is unlikely to ever be totally free of such a long term infection: due to it having be allowed to get stuck in over those 20+ yrs, and due to my autoimmune status. they tell me that my general body-wide predisposition to infection means the osteomyelitis is likely to flare again, but at least i KNOW I CAN COPE with that sort of aggressive long term oral antibiotic treatment when i have to undergo it again,..that took some learning (have trouble swallowing, and flucloxacillin requires fasting which was hard re my upper GI issues)....and the fact that i am sure this treatment has helped my stomach issues especially leaves me more willing to sorta welcoming more fluclox someday...but am still trying to imagine maybe it won't come to that...sorry to go into so much detail but you can see this past 12 month's experience has taught me lots & lots, so i include it here in case it could be useful to anyone reading through your blog post

whatever, like melinda, below, i have been reading about research into links between rheumatic conditions and infection....and i am v interested and grateful for any sources forum members lead me yours re gums & joints. of course i am hoping this research could help us all to better diagnosis and treatment

Melinda profile image

There is a theory that all rheumatic diseases are caused by infection. Dr thomas McPhereson Brown, an american doctor, now deceased, successfully treated thousands of people with ra and other autoimmune diseases with low dose antibiotics.These are the type of antibiotics that are used to treat acne in teenagers. As far as i'm aware, the body never becomes immune to them. Unfortunately, all we are offered are drugs that suppress our immune system.

lupuswriter profile image
lupuswriter in reply to Melinda

Hi-Looked up Dr. Brown and it seems he was very reputable and also successful in treating rheumatic diseases, especially RA. His work with antibiotics has continued in Canada at Toronto Western Hospital, where good success was seen in treating RA with tetracycline. The article I read (abstract of the article) appeared in the Journal of Rheumatologly, if you're interested in checking it out. ( I certainly intend to learn more about this line of research. Thanks.

Melinda profile image
Melinda in reply to lupuswriter

There is a book called "The new arthritis breakthrough", where he explains his theories. It's a bit technical but you do get the gist of it.

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