Jonathon Otto, scam or lifesaver???: Hi, I have... - LUPUS UK


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Jonathon Otto, scam or lifesaver???

jbkinv profile image
20 Replies


I have come across this guy online. His name is Jonathon Otto

Has anybody out there tried any of his programs. It all seems too good to be true (as I'm writing this I can see how ridiculous this sounds). His basic premise is that you can help any autoimmune disease with good dietary behaviour. I was wondering if anybody has any information, good or bad, on this topic. Its amazing how judgement deserts you when constantly suffering, inflammation, pain and fatigue. 🤫

Regards, John

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jbkinv profile image
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20 Replies
DorsetLady profile image

There are foods that may phelp with inflammation- you can access plenty of free and accurate advice online, but no miracle cures…..

…and as the old adage goes “if sounds too good to be true, it probably is”

WinterSwimmer profile image

I read something very recently - from a reputable source - that say that the difference diet makes to inflammatory conditions is proven to be minimal. I can't find the piece - but will keep looking. In the meantime - there is that old saying - if it seems to good to be true it is almost certainly too good to be true.

Tanitani profile image

If it sounds too good to be true then indeed it is too good to be true.

Tanitani profile image

I have tried every diet under the sun and they dont do anything for lupus. Of course you wanna keep your body as healthy as possible and eat a healthy diet not to put additional strain on the body unnecessarily.

Fredhouseboat profile image


CecilyParsley profile image

Hi, I haven’t heard of this man but my GP rang me one day and told me about Jason Vale’s juice diet. I watched the CD and saw a person with Lupus cone off a suitcase of medication, lose lots of weight and begin running every day. I threw myself into the idea, bought a shopping trolley full of fruit and veg. There were shot of strong ginger in the morning followed by a total juice diet. After two days I felt nauseous and by the third day I was retching at the mere thought of them. I was constantly cold despite it being summer and my gut was boiling. I could not go out as I needed to be by a loo. I stopped it because I felt worse on it than I did without it. Maybe if I could afford to go to the luxury retreat with one to one medical support it might have worked but I will never know. Good luck with your research to find something to help xx

Hamptons profile image

after a long flare I ate ‘clean’ cut out imflammatory foods and felt great. I know certain foods make things worse. Post Covid I am lactose intolerant, giving up dairy has had a huge impact on my lupus. I was on omeprazole daily now I don’t need it. I have not had a gastritis flare for over a year. I used to have them every few months. I have less joint pain and brain fog.

I also reduced histamine foods many of which are also triggers for inflammation. I eat a normal diet but just removing those has helped.

Deliciously Ella has POTs her recipes are helpful as reflects the need to regulate your immune system and give your body good food experiences. I like very plain food but even I found recipes I could use. Think her last book was family recipes. She also has bars, snacks sold in most supermarkets.

dg70 profile image

My rheumatologist has recommended the low fodmap diet which is available from any dietician on the nhs or you can look it up. It explains that certain food groups can trigger flares or general malaise. When I looked it up I wasn't eating most of the food groups anyway because my body had already told me that I couldn't tolerate them i.e. garlic, onions. It's not a cure and you should always see a qualified dietician before cutting out any foods in your diet as each of us has different internal and external issues and what might be good for me may be bad for you. Eating healthy is a no brainer anyway and taking as much exercise as you can manage. You don't need an internet conman to tell you what you already know. Also herbal medicine has its place but be careful there too, many herbs can cause further damage to our bodies if taken and prescribed incorrectly without a full medical history taken into account. Some herbs can damage kidneys, liver etc further if you have a weakness there. Don't get sucked into the internet madness. There is no miracle cure for anything if there was the nhs would have tried and tested it and prescribe it and we would all be fit and healthy.

Naladog profile image
Naladog in reply to dg70

My dietitian from the NHS also recommended me to follow a FODMAP diet, but they only provided me a list of recommended and not recommended food to take. Do you manage to get weekly menus (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) with all the nutrients we need daily? Choosing the foods by yourself can make nutricional deficiencies. I gained weight eating white flour, so I stopped and the dietitian recommended a very good probiotics instead that really helped me. In combination with a more healthy diet, vitamins, minerals and herbs that I use regularly cooking and in teas, I feel much better.

dg70 profile image
dg70 in reply to Naladog

I follow it as much as possible but with a little bit of naughtiness here and there. 😄 My niece and a friend of mine are dieticians so I can go to them for advice which is lucky. Sugar is a not great for me either but can I give it up completely, can I heck. I did the carol voderman detox once and felt fantastic after three weeks which lasted a few months but I was as grumpy as hell doing it for those three weeks! It was just so hard cutting out nearly everything and then gradually reintroducing things and eating differently than my family which was a pain.

Naladog profile image
Naladog in reply to dg70

I see it the same way, I am a person who believes in science and the scientific method, talks that I see come out of it, I respect them, but they don't interest me.

I stick with supplements, vitamins and herbs that somehow during the history of mankind and through research and experiences in people seem to have worked.

Disadvantages I see: if you take medication make sure it doesn't cause side effects, buy it with safety certifications, and that you have to pay for them hahaha because doctors won't prescribe them! 😅Unfortunately, no analysis of nutritional deficiencies or toxicities is carried out by the public health system. And honestly, in terms of cost, prevention and problem solving I think it would be much more effective and we would know that they are done with total safety and not by possible opportunists.

dg70 profile image
dg70 in reply to Naladog

I know people making money from the sick is a sad thing but its a common thing to happen. At least the majority are sensible, head screwed on people in this community. We all want a cure but we know Lupus UK, BSSA , Reynaud's UK or whatever illness you have and whoever officially champions your condition will keep us informed when any breakthroughs are made or issues with medications that arise. Best not to recommended any unofficial treatments though unless you know its championed by the above organisations. This person that has been mentioned has an unending list of things he cures it seems from cancer to autoimmune but there is just as many warning sites about him aswell. Take care.

Naladog profile image

I made the same question here months ago...😅

I have watched all his free series.

Gut and brain relationship is real, and toxics like chemicals, SIBO, SIFO, mold, parasites in our bodies in our days too. The world has changed a lot and what we eat/drink today is not what we used to.

Healthy style is good for everything, and more if you have genetic predisposition to develop autoimmune diseases.

I am using minerals, vitamins and herbs recommended in his series, I have researched their use too and share with my GP and specialists and my blood tests have improved. I just only can say that I feel much better.

CREATIA6_ profile image

hello John

My husband bought me Jason Vale’s juice book and Brooke Goldner goodbye lupus few years ago. When I read both of the books I have started my diet. Been on it for 3 years. Did not make difference to my lupus. I was very underweight and had no strength.

CecilyParsley profile image

It was medical advice from my GP who gave me his CD.

MrsMouseSJ profile image

I think we all go through a period of hoping for a miracle cure and looking into and perhaps trying a few. Who wouldn't in the circumstances many of us find ourselves in. But as others here have highlighted, if it seems to be too good to be true, it probably is.In terms of diet, just think of all the claims that have been made over the years for all manner of conditions. If these diets truly worked the wonders they claimed, it would be obvious to all. But what they do, instead, is make money for their creators. Then they fade into obscurity, perhaps to be resurrected in a similar form by another aspiring 'health' guru at some stage.

This is not to say that I am not advocating good, balanced diet. I am. Everyone can benefit from as few heavily processed foods and as many unadulterated or minimally processed foods as possible, from the spectrum of food groups. But, sadly, such a diet is not known to offer a cure for Lupus or other illnesses, of which I am aware. It may however help to some extent.

MrsMarigold profile image

hi jbkinv. I’m American and I’m not familiar with your nutrition guy. I’ve tried several things in my life and basically this is my series of conclusions: sugar is unfortunately an evil force for our bodies. Causing inflammation everywhere. Fresh fruit and vegetables especially in smoothie form with a dollop of peanut butter for protein is good. Red meat once a week is enough. I’m gluten free finally and it has helped my inflammation. I’m also making my own beef and chicken stock again which is very healing for the gut/ immune system.

Years ago I ate paleo and felt great. But it was not sustainable/ I was too thin. I do allow myself a treat once or twice a month. And with true transparency I had groceries delivered last week and they sat on my front porch a tad long. The pint of chocolate ice cream was the perfect consistency between a shake and soft serve. I ate it😂 But I paid for it with a small flare which is relative I suppose when you’ve made plans and now cancel it all because I could not endure wasting the ice cream! Oh well. Off to my lunch smoothie. MrsMarigold/ was Titters

CecilyParsley profile image

No she saw the CD and was astounded by the person with Lupus able to stop all medication and lose lots of weight. The difference in trying it at home and going to a luxury resort is that at home you do not get the support of nutritionists, psychologists, physios etc. My husband was fine on it but for me my gut hated it. Forty apples a week for instance put me off eating apples for about a year. I think most of us would try anything to feel better especially if a doctor recommends it.

WinterSwimmer profile image

This is the thing I read. BMJ open.

Lily77 profile image

Whilst what you eat may not be a cure, in my experience it can worsen symptoms and, on the other side, can improve your quality of life. Certain foods can upset the sensitive lupus digestive system. Fundamentally, however, any lupus diet needs to be achievable and practical ….try cutting up enough fruits and vegetables for a juice diet with painfully stiff lupus hands!!

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