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Lung Cancer Support

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ElmerFudd314 profile image
14 Replies

This site is for various forms of cannabis adjunctive therapy. I live in MN where cannabis therapy has just been legalized. It's not just smoke some weed and hope for the best. The main treatment seems to be cbd oil, a cannabis derivative, (non high giving), and to be more effective add the THC part to it. The THC is the chemical responsible for a little "buzz" but they have varying concentrations if you don't want to get too "stoned". You can also get just cbd oil at some tobacco shops legally and without prescription, (but not as effective as cbd +THC). I'm new to this but will post results from time to time. The site also has an impressive report on how this all works scientifically.

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ElmerFudd314 profile image
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14 Replies
Davidatp profile image

I live in Florida. Do you know if there is any way to get some from MN to here? I have COPD and also have severe Osteoarthritis. I’m not in favor of Canabis but i’ve Been on narcotics for a few years so I can’t complain about it and it’s not as bad as what I’m on now. We get to a point where we have to have something.


ElmerFudd314 profile image
ElmerFudd314 in reply to Davidatp

Dave I'm not going to tell you to risk doing something illegal. You could move to MN but the wind chill is -35 F. Seems odd that people can get synthetic heroin prescribed and not safe, but not a little weed product. Guess the drug companies can't patent weed.

anrean profile image
anrean in reply to Davidatp

David, if you mail anything or ship it, you are not going to get it through all the checks, and especially if you mail it, you will be liable for federal charges. Work with a pain management doctor to find the right drugs that take away your pain and leave your brain. It took a lot of tries to find out that dilaudid works best for me.

Pain management doctors are also usually anesthesiologists so they are well-versed in all sorts of meds and are specialists at controlling pain. Mine has the personality of a rock at times, but I wouldn't trade her for anything - she has made life bearable again!! And I understand that she has to be very tough because there are too many folks out there faking it just to get meds to get high and/or sell. So please don't go by personality in this one instance - they have to be the way they are.


Denzie profile image

THC was approved in the form of Marinol in 1985 and is legal in all 50 states. It has been in use for more than 20 years. It supplies the patient with a steady, reliable consistent dosage.

At this time it is not possible to obtain the consistency that the patient requires with home grown. Maybe one day but in the meantime strength is going to vary between plants.

ElmerFudd314 profile image
ElmerFudd314 in reply to Denzie

Interesting. Did not know about this. Doing a little Google search Marinol is a synthetic so is at least legal in places with no cannabis legalization. Seems like a limited therapeutic effect compared to the real deal though. More side effects and/or cost probably . But thanks!

Denzie profile image
DenzieModeratorVolunteer in reply to ElmerFudd314

Covered by insurance and nothing is without side effects.

My hope is that they find a way to establish a therapeutic dosage of CBDs and THCs so that medical marijuana can be used to its best effect.

anrean profile image

Been sort of following this for awhile. A friend here in New Yotk State gets it prescribed as a tincture - she puts drops under her tongue and while she says it tastes terrible, she also says it helps a great deal with the pain from a stroke. No high, just pain relief. I see a pain management doctor who prescribes dilaudid for both my fractured back and the lung cancer. Sort of chicken to talk about it with her because I like the dilaudid so much - it is the only pain med that does not take my brain. Tried morphine after two terrible falls within about 20 minutes of each other, but did not like it because it made me high.

Denzie profile image
DenzieModeratorVolunteer in reply to anrean

Anrean, is your back fracture considered a compression fracture? I had compression fractures of 4 of my veterbrae. The pain was horrible and I had to wear a brace to prevent damage to the spinal cord till they could do surgery to repair them. Has your doctor talked about vertebralplasty or kyphoplasty at all? For me the relief was immediate and complete.

anrean profile image
anrean in reply to Denzie

Yikes Denzie - that is horrible. How did yo do that? How are you now?

I fractured C3, T8 L4 and L5 back in '88 when I fell off my horse. Rods and screws to stabilize things, and a year in bed. Thankfully C3 was a minor fracture! One higher up and I wouldn't be here. T8, L4 and L5 are where the saddle landed on me. But it wasn't his fault - it was my trainer's fault - we never should have tried to take such a tight turn and jump in the bad mud - he lost his footing and I got caught with all my weight on the left stirrup. I used to ride English Huntseat and Show Jumping 3'6" to 4' fences. LOVED it!!

The rods were supposed to last 10 years max, but they are just now starting to deteriorate. Next move will be to use cadaver bone and replace the rods - I'm holding out as long as I can. Things are changing in that field, too. Also too many botched surgeries - I had one of the best in the nation at the time.

Denzie profile image
DenzieModeratorVolunteer in reply to anrean

I had osteopenia which became osteoporosis due to steroids and radiation treatments. Bones just started collapsing and/or breaking. Every time I had a 3 mo CT another fracture due to laying on metal table. Mostly ribs but I laid wrong and T6-7 collapsed, T8 started to because of the stress from above it. 6&7 we’re operated on right away, 8 healed wrong but never collapsed so no kyphoplasty there then T9 a couple years later due again to stress from above. Fosomax and Tamoxifen have strengthened my bones and improved my dexa score. I now have scoliosis and shrank 3 inches. But I’m here and happy!

anrean profile image
anrean in reply to Denzie

Must say first of all, I have NEVER laid on a plain metal table - there has always been a semi-thick cushion of some sort between the table and me for all my cancer treatments. Wondering why you have just had a sheet! Also, have never laid flat - they always have a cushion for under my knees - do you get one? It takes a lot of pressure off the spine.

So sorry to hear about your bones being so fragile. Usually it is L4 that goes first. But then again, it is the mid and lower T's where our backs start their natural curve. I no longer have that curve. My boss when I fractured my back was very good to me and held my job and I did a lot of the work in the hospital or from home - he used to giggle that I looked like I was walking with a pole up my butt hehehe He was right.

Glad to hear that you are taking meds and your bones are getting stronger!! So many nerves in our spines equals a great deal of pain. I pray your pain is not overwhelming, and admire your spirit!

The only treatment for me is replacement of the rods and cadaver bone to replace the deteriorated discs. As long as the epidurals and dilaudid make it bearable, I am holding out.

Did you know they have "created" a full monkey spine in the lab already? I know it won't apply to humans in our lifetimes, but it is fascinating what they are doing.

As we get to know each other better, I find myself admiring you more and more. You have been through so very much and yet you are here helping others - that is a great testament to your spirit!!

It is overwhelming to hear how happy you remain!!


Denzie profile image
DenzieModeratorVolunteer in reply to anrean

Your kind words make me feel good. The kyphoplasties they did to repair my vertebrae took care of the pain immediately. It was near miraculous how well it worked. There’s some pain where the one healed wrong is good one day bad another. Most breaks were ribs and they’ve healed pretty well but I am on Fentanyl for pain management.

My pcp insisted they find a cushion for me, they did and I carried it with me to CTs for a few years. My bones were very brittle then.

I have this mental picture of you sitting straight as a rod. Can’t even begin to imagine what you’ve had to do to get back to work. The PT, the OT, lots of overcoming yourself.

We’re you a competition jumper then? Lucky to be alive and not a quadrapolegic.

Your boss sounds like a great guy.

anrean profile image
anrean in reply to Denzie

Please don't ever underestimate your importance to this group - you have worked miracles with me when I was so low I had to look up to see the soles of my feet!!

So glad to hear that the majority of your pain has been controlled!!

Yes, I was a competition jumper - sort of like the jumpers you see on television but not quite so formal or complicated. I was also very wise - figured that riding came with the rule that I would eventually fall off without grace, so I took some private karate/judo lessons that focused only on learning how to fall properly. My trainer wished she could video tape me falling off so she could teach others...they didn't want to invest in the karate/judo lessons to learn how to fall.

I also did English Huntseat, which is about how you and the horse look while doing certain behaviors. Silly story - I was 5'9" and my horse was 67 3/4" at the withers (shoulders) so I was purposefully eliminated from a show when the judge asked that we dismount and re-mount. My main competition was on a very short horse so it was easy for her, but my stirrups were well above my waist so I was forced to leave the arena because there was no way my leg would go that high...hehehe I gracefully dismounted, bowed to her and we walked out very dignified. She won an important show, and I laughed at the image of trying to pretzel myself that much!

Have you ever ridden?

anrean profile image
anrean in reply to Denzie

Denzie, was so excited to share my passion of horses that I totally forgot to tell you that I am not working. If there was one thing I could do again, it would be to go back to work! I always loved what I did!! About 11 years ago I went through 4 surgeries in 10 days and came out of the 4th surgery with a TBI. Did everything possible to find out what happened, but no one will spill the beans even though I have no intention of suing. I was cognitively about 2 years old and have literally crawled my way back. Fortunately English was always a very strong suit and I am able to share ideas again...but I am also woefully aware that I spend a great deal of time trying to find words. I cannot keep a checkbook (used to manage a doctor's office!) or keep organized, and have an aide come 3x a week to help with things like laundry, showering and such. Thanking God for allowing me to get back to where I am!! CANCER SUCKS!!

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