Hi everyone, I am Mike, 61 and live in the UK. I am 60lbs overweight and have 'dallied' very briefly with low carb on several occasions. My problem is that I am an avid YouTube watcher and see loads of videos that dispel the 'keto' myth and get me to go back to 'healthy' carb eating. I always seem to revert to the Mediterranean diet. This time I want to go LCHF for the long term (permanently) mainly to lose weight. I am extremely lucky that I do not have any health issues (other than obesity) so I am looking forward to follow advice on this site. Good day to you all
Going LCHF and meaning it: Hi everyone... - Low-Carb High-Fat...
Going LCHF and meaning it
You have made a right decision. I wish you all the best in your LCHF journey to lose weight, keep it off and lead an overall healthy life.
Good for you, redmike58 and if you're bored, there are dozens of pro LCHF videos on You Tube
Hiya, thanks for that. Yep seen loads which makes me more confused (not difficult for me).
I like Tim Noakes a lot. A very genuine man, not trying to sell me supplements. I saw a video recently in which he more or less stated he was 'carnivore'.
Have a brill day. 'Eat well, lose loads - but most importantly, smile'
There is quite a movement towards the carnivore lifestyle, although I have to admit, it doesn't appeal to me. I like the variety that veggies offer.
I agree. I am big on getting nutrients and vitamins in through food and not supplements. Carnivore seems pretty limited with food choices - hence why you don't see many lions and tigers at the supermarket, I suppose
My big loss will be all the fruit I eat.
That's probably the reason for gaining weight, instead of losing it, especially if you've been snacking on it outwith meal times. I suggest knocking the fruit on the head for your induction, then aiming to stick mainly to berries after that.
If you are a youtube addict have you tried Thomas DeLauer? He is not complicated but full of facts information if you wan it. good luck.
Hiya. yep seen Thomas aswell (when he's managed to keep his top on lol). He dissects keto pretty well and I got the advice re my IBS off one of his videos. I watch a lot of Ruled.Me and Dr Ken Berry (although he seems to have gone carnivore at present).
There's so much advice now it can get confusing.
Good luck to yourself aswell
Ha ha. Yes I had noticed how often the top comes off .. it can get a bit distracting 👀.. But I find that he does some easy to follow videos. There are a lot of videos out there, just don't let them all confuse you. There are plenty of varied way of going forward with it. I am sure you will pick out what fits you best, You will become the expert on what you need and what works for you. Nothing works quite the same on any two people. Try it out and adjust and experiment til you hit the nail on the head! 👍
All true. Just watched a clip of him actually and he's topless again! lol. Mind you, I would be if I had a body like that! There are 7.7 billion people on this planet so therefore 7.7 billion different diets. I just have to sort the one for me. Thanks for your encouragement. Best wishes on your journey
Good luck Mike, hope you achieve your goals 😊