Cardiff University School of Medicine... - Heart Rhythm Diso...

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Cardiff University School of Medicine are conducting a Study

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Cardiff University School of Medicine, UK are conducting a Study: A qualitative study exploring the impact that increasing options due to new genetic/genomic technologies may have on patient perceptions of genetic responsibilities

Would you like you to contribute to valuable research? This study is now drawing to a close, and this will be your last opportunity to apply.

Do you want to talk about how a genetic result has impacted your life?

How has your genetic result impacted your decisions in telling family members, lifestyle choices and planning a family?

We are looking for adults in the UK, aged 18+, who have had genetic testing that confirms a genetic diagnosis of either:

• Long QT Syndrome (LQTS)

• Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer predisposition (BRCA1/2 variant)

• Huntington’s Disease (HD)

• Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)

We would like you to take part in a study exploring responsibilities associated with your genetic result. As a participant in this study, you would be asked to participate in an open-ended interview via Zoom lasting around 40 60 minutes.

The interview will involve talking about your feelings and opinions about any responsibility you felt after receiving your diagnosis, and how well you were supported with these emotions.

If you would like to participate? Please complete the Contact Information using this online form:

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Thank you to everyone for your support, in participating in this research study, I'd like to confirm that recruitment for this is now closed.

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