Posts - Healthy Evidence | HealthUnlocked

Healthy Evidence

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All posts for July 2023

Could long term sleeping on the right hand side of the body affect the working of the liver on the same side?

I have to sleep on my right side, left side and irreparable brain damage from se...

Side effects or reactions to Sitagliptin/Metformin hydrochloride for diabetes 2?

High sugar level for diabetes 2 usually have side effects for change of medicati...
Adlon57 profile image

Trying to get a 'normal' nights sleep!

My daily routine, wake up usually about 11 am, have a shower, [best part of the ...
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A Aman on tic tok says he's cured from schizophrenia wo meds. What are your views on this do u belive him is that even possible

So there is this guy on tic tok says he's cured from schizophrenia no meds he do...
Atthepark profile image

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