Posts - Healthy Evidence | HealthUnlocked

Healthy Evidence

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All posts for July 2014

Fad diets debunked by early career researchers

An article in the Daily Mail today on the Voice of Young Science project looking...
Sense_about_Science profile image
Sense About Science

MP calls for astrology to be made available on the NHS Its like the Enlightenment / Ren...
Gez_Blair profile image

The One-percenters of science publishing

Interesting study on PLoS One - highlighting the fact that in the same way the t...
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How can we educate journalists to consider positive predictive values when reporting new diagnostic tests? A recent case in point...
robdavies profile image

Lies, Damn Lies and Doctors who are bad at maths

A wonderful article about the misunderstanding of statistics not just by patient...
JossS profile image

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