Posts - Heal My PTSD | HealthUnlocked

Heal My PTSD

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All posts for March 2024

Sometimes, the past is a good thing to remember.

I received a phone call from an old school friend. It was unexpected to say the...

need to start dealing and healing

hi everyone. I’m 40 years old. At the age of 3-5 years old my brother and I were...
Jcwy profile image

Thank you.

I’d like to thank everyone on here again. I ended up having a good day today. ...
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I’m in a good mood today

it seems strange.

Reliving the past

I’m in a happy & healthy relationship but I keep having horrible flashbacks and ...
Curry223 profile image

I want to be healed soon

I am getting better than I used to be. I think I should rest a lot since that h...

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