Posts - Heal My PTSD | HealthUnlocked

Heal My PTSD

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All posts for February 2024

How to Provide Space Without Abandoning? [During Possible Dissociative Delusion/Psychosis]

Apologies if I’ve gotten the wrong idea about this forum. Feel free to delete if...

Addall XR and Mini-Thins OTC

I have been on Adderall and Ritalin but my doctor retired and I am sick and tire...
Quando62 profile image

Helpful simple profound beautiful thought

“This too, shall pass.” -Persian adage ❤️ Thanks
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New Here

Hi... I've never really opened up about my PTSD to anyone. I never knew how to e...
Dream6 profile image


the DSM does not recognise CPTSD as a diagnosis. Here in NZ if you have PTSD fr...
Lindyloo53 profile image

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