Posts - Heal My PTSD | HealthUnlocked

Heal My PTSD

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All posts for December 2022


I remember my parents physically and verbally abusing me for a couple of years w...
LifeSucks1 profile image


I got upset and told my father things that I was upset about. Mainly being that...
lostgirl75 profile image

Christmas ptsd

I had a huge physical fight with my boyfriends family christmas 2021 and I haven...
Curry223 profile image
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I Want to Disappear *mentions suicidal feelings *

Hi. I am really so depressed right now. I know that many of you here arre as wel...


although it happened years ago, I still have nightmares. I’m thinking of getting...
Curry223 profile image


Hi familyIt's been forever since I posted as I'm still battling PTSD and catastr...
Candle_lit profile image

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