Posts - Heal My PTSD | HealthUnlocked

Heal My PTSD

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All posts for May 2022

I came face-to-face with my abuser

Two weeks ago my spouse and I were in Home Depot picking up some material for a ...


What does one do when they been traumatized to the point of fearing seeking trea...
Survivor1687 profile image

I nearly lost my job.. again ...I didn't!

I have complex and on top adult PTSD, I lost control and I fell, I understand t...
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Was having a really good day

I don't want to let people ruin that for me today and they are succeeding 😢 now...
Survivor1687 profile image

Is no one discussing psychedelic therapy for ptsd on this site?

Is no one discussing psychedelic therapy for PTSD on here? If not why not? Mili...
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I can't proceed my trauma. I feel like i'm going insane. My body and mind are agonizing. Plus ghost ocd

Hi. I just feel like a truck has run over me. So stiff, so anxious all the time,...

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