Posts - Heal My PTSD | HealthUnlocked

Heal My PTSD

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All posts for January 2021


I just wanted to share that I made a huge milestone in my thinking. I forgave m...
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Suggestions On How To Continue?

This could be a bit of a long post, so I'm going to try to summarize it. *****ME...

How can I reconcile with my ex that has CPTSD who pushed me away due to her trust issues?

My ex has major trust issues. Due to it she has never had any friends for exampl...
LazyChipmunk profile image
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Seriously lost now

I don't post often but I'm doing so now for feedback and support. I've been out ...
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Trying to get better, but failing

I don’t really know what to say... I don’t think this should be triggering, bu...
JanaBog profile image

Today some relief

Today I felt some relief I felt a certain weight lifted off my shoulder. I have ...

Lost for words

I feel lost I didn’t know how bad things were and how abusive the last seven yea...
Mustardog profile image

Benzos and increased energy ???

Crazy question, but does anyone feel like when they take a benzo, they have moti...
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Long term use of benzos-thank you

Hi many of you know all too well, I have struggled with using benzos long ...
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my body is buzzing...I have been doing a lot of processing and hopefully it's ge...
Agara33 profile image

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