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All posts for January 2019

Update post thing

Long story short: Fell asleep at 4am woke up at 9:30am told my manager that I've...
bexx87 profile image

Help please

Hi there, dont really know where to start save for the fact that my partner suff...

Cant sleep

So I'm just to talk to my plant in a dissociate manner while taking lots of pict...
bexx87 profile image
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Here we go again !!! Someone say day ja vuueeee

So I'm not back in work 2 days in the new year to be told by manager as of next ...
bexx87 profile image

Happy New Year everybody !!!

Hiya all, just wishing you all the very best for the New Year - Our lives have c...
StaceM8 profile image

I don't know if I have brain damage or what is wrong with me!

So in 2014 for some reason I started having problems with reading, I remember I ...

Mindfulness-based stress reduction and fatigue

Hi Some studies suggest that MBSR may help improve mental fatigue after TBI, e.g...
Onedge93 profile image

New year goals!

It’s New Year’s Day! Yay ! Let’s take this opportunity to do our part to encoura...