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All posts for January 2019

Which one do you think suits me (camera roll)

Because I feel down now i decided to play around with the Facebook message story...
bexx87 profile image

COA - children of alcoholism
bexx87 profile image

99p foot pamper ... yes please

These are amazing I get callus build up which hurts my soles so i normally attac...
bexx87 profile image
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Theres more to this story, it's not over today, no matter your journey, gods paving the way

I've had this song on for 4/5 days straight Tina repeated loop
bexx87 profile image

It better to wake up crying with laugher than crying with stress

So in the past one of the admins in a local group on Facebook has a issue with t...
bexx87 profile image

First flight since my operation

I am feeling pleased with myself in several ways. I left my previous job mid 201...
sethbovey profile image


Ok I know fatigue is common after brain injury,has anyone fond away to increase ...
Pat-rick1 profile image

Duke and duchess of Sussex to visit Bristol to learn about the city's rich history

So first we get Prince William now Prince Harry wants to visit arent we lucky:.....
bexx87 profile image

Toxic people - dealing with dysfunctional relationships by Dr Tom Cantopher

So going on the advice of NACOA (National Adult Children Of Alcoholism) I picked...
bexx87 profile image

Appointment results

Hi Everyone its been a long time since i last Put anything on hear but any way y...
demondez profile image

This will be the first one since I was 18

The only funeral I have ever been to was my nans (and my grandad but I was too y...
bexx87 profile image

When life gets you down, try refreshing your look to perk you up again

As I was going to dawlish on Monday, I was informed that on Wednesday the landlo...
bexx87 profile image

Aspirin, don't understand what I have been told by doc.

Hi everyone, I am feeling really confused and concerned. I have brain injury and...
deborah27 profile image

Feeling blue

Absolutely love this image from @thegardeneatery and it’s one of my favourite pl...
Kavib profile image

3 Year Anniversary, Having Trouble

Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful I can write this. I'm grateful that I'm writing...
mollymsno profile image

Sunrise (unedited camera roll)

As you can see it was very very hard to pick 6 for a collage
bexx87 profile image

This mornings sunrise collage

I have more photos but my phone has this cool feature to make collages out of 6 ...

Help at last

After nearly 11 long years my husband is getting the much needed help he should ...
Tia-01 profile image

Out of minimally conscious but still not fully awake

I’ve posted on here a few times as it’s the only place people help with their ex...
Leab2017 profile image

So many I cant cope (camera roll)

So many swannies 12 in total 5 in the water (4 babies and 1 older) 2 a but furth...
bexx87 profile image

Day trip out of town

To the only place in the UK worth a over night stay look at my view from the bal...
bexx87 profile image

Tonight's horzion sunset montage

Couldn't help but take multiple shots of the sun setting

He's coming home in a couple weeks. 9 months after BI

Well Russ is coming home soon. Im excited, scared, nervous etc all at once. The ...
Angelia1234 profile image

Orange roses.

Hi folks, I haven't done much drawing recently, I didn't do much drawing at all ...
Matt2584 profile image

The weirdest things that "neuropsychologist " said when I showed her my MRI was

That's a pretty picture .... like sorry what are you serious right now, she list...
bexx87 profile image

Something to add my collection

I need to print off all my Facebook re shares post to put in my good though jar ...
bexx87 profile image

Department of kindness

This is such a sweet feature in the foyer of southmead fyi no help from the neur...
bexx87 profile image

Royal visits to southmead

They have 4 displays like this one various topics but this one has to be my fav ...

ESA payment problems over Xmas 2018

Morning all, I got ESA normal 2 weeks 21/12/18. I then 'should' get 2 weeks paym...
Markc012 profile image

Strabismus surgery for cosmetic reasons?

Long story short, I had a terrible reaction to a substance which isn't licensed ...