Posts - Glioblastoma Support | HealthUnlocked

Glioblastoma Support

602 members190 posts

All posts for May 2022

New tumour growth. Second like chemo

Hi there, my mum was diagnosed with GBM4 last year May 2021. She had surgery che...

Dealing with my sister's diagnosis

Hi everyone, I am new to the site. My beautiful sister was diagnosed with GBM i...
JC59 profile image


Hi there my husband has a grade 4 tumour, no treatment available, how do people ...
Damned66 profile image
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Hi my sister is recently diagnosed with gpm. I have came across Optune (TTfields...
blur-blurb profile image

New Introduction

Have just signed up. My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 Glioblastoma in May 2021...
WN20 profile image

Glioblastoma Recurrence

My 69 year old wife has evidence of tumour progression (recurrence following sur...
WN20 profile image

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