Posts - Aspergillosis and Rare Fungal Infection Support | HealthUnlocked

Aspergillosis and Rare Fungal Infection Support

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All posts for July 2018

Help! Is this fungal?

Hi, I couldn’t get an appointment with the doctor so saw a nurse. She told me wi...
Rockchick73 profile image


Does anybody have any good tips for fungal sinusitis. I've had this at least one...
Cindyfayth profile image

Stubborn fungal infection on my behind - that I would like to put behind me :-)

It's been going for 2 years now........on my behind - First small red VERY ITCH...
khyatipat profile image
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Yeast/candida overgrowth

Hello, I am 24 years old and I believe I have a yeast or candida overgrowth. I t...
ch_tbt profile image


I am from India . I am having aspergillosis and taking Itraconazole 200 mg twice...


Someone help my four year old had at I was told was ring worm and I’m not so sur...
Synen profile image

Central Nervous System

Can Aspergillus Infection , get into the central nervous system . Can the spores...
Daisy55 profile image

Cure for ringworm

Ring work being a pain ! Have ya tried burning the fungi out with cotten pads so...


does anyone have any natural ways to help treat ABPA? my husband is on prednison...

Problem solving 4 ringworm

Hay hotel person' Try placing cotten pads soaked in malt vinegar to burn the fu...

Ringworm Problems

Hello, I’m new to this forum and I need some help regarding Ringworm. I work in...
snapitzmol profile image

abpa not getting better

Hi my husband was diagnosed with abpa about a year a go and his doctor put him o...

Mould blood test

Hello, I had my blood tested in the USA tested negative to all moulds for IgE b...
APUK profile image

Pls help

Not sure what this discharge is. It goes away for a while & and comes back no it...
090807 profile image


Since having to watch out for these Tele tail sign's of ringworm on myself have ...

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