Posts - Aspergillosis and Rare Fungal Infection Support | HealthUnlocked

Aspergillosis and Rare Fungal Infection Support

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All posts for September 2016

Anyone cured aspergillosis naturally?

Hi, has anyone had success with oregano oil, astragalus root, vitamin b3, vitami...

Diagnosed with copd/ what melds are people on?

What medications people taking for copd. I have had asthma since 2 years of age ...
Skleiner profile image

Help! Oral Thrush

I'm having my first ever experience with ora thrush. i think I've had it for 3 w...
chloe2124 profile image
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Post op aspergillus breathing problems normal?

Hi there im new to this forum I just had a left upper lobe wedge resection on Au...
Huffnpuff73 profile image


I have been experiencing vaginal itching (labia) for a month or so then develope...
Chloe2310 profile image

Meeting in Scotland

Anyone in Scotland who has lung disease especially , but not only , ABPA want t...
fcag2001 profile image

My personal story regarding Aspergillosis

Just found this forum by chance. I was diagnosed with ABPA now in my 5th year. I...
effel profile image


Hi I have a problem where I can cut my toenails right down. They never used to b...
claire260187 profile image

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