Posts - Aspergillosis and Rare Fungal Infection Support | HealthUnlocked

Aspergillosis and Rare Fungal Infection Support

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All posts for May 2016

Candida in Ear??? Help

Hi wondering if anyone can shed any light on this please? I have had an ear infe...
sj2010 profile image

Fungal/brittle nails and other infections.

Toe nails and other.  I've had fungal nail infection in one foot for years, kept...
SAMBS profile image

Fungal infections under toe nails

I had a fungal infection on both big toes under the nail. It got bad enough on ...
Johndavid profile image
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Wondering about inhalers and asthma exacerbation.

Hello all, Thankfully, have not had an asthma exacerbation whilst on the new inh...
freefaller profile image

Eventful and frustrating few weeks.

Hello all, Been without Internet as ISP didn't send out our new router in time f...

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