Posts - Aspergillosis and Rare Fungal Infection Support | HealthUnlocked

Aspergillosis and Rare Fungal Infection Support

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All posts for February 2016

Yet another chest infection.

Well doc comfirmed today yet another chest infection After feeling all weekend...
sumpy profile image

Just Diagnosed After 30 Years of Gradually Increasing, Morphing and Worsening Symptoms with: Aspergillus Mold

Anybody have anything to share re: treatment before I start treatment?
moldyme9 profile image

Did you know your health is considered less important than a Bat's health by your local planning office?

Hi, Since posting the other day we now have 131 signatures for this. If you agre...
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E-Petition to protect respiratory patients against construction dust and associated air pollution.

Hi everyone, Since my wife's lung transplant we have discovered that respiratory...

To brighten your morning.

Morning all, Thought this would brighten your morning. It was one of the first...
freefaller profile image

Resistant oral thrush

I have just finished a two week course of caspofungin with no success to get rid...
MandyBlyth profile image

Itraconazole Tablets

Hi, Was wondering about the different types of Itraconazole tablets. Was tol...
freefaller profile image


I have just had sepsis but did not spend any time in icu as I responded to treat...
grahamwaters profile image

Aspergillus Ochraceus

I have this disease,I have had it as a mystery for 3 years. After I demanded spu...

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