Posts - Fibromyalgia Action UK | HealthUnlocked

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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All posts for February 2013


i have been sent a letter for work focused interveiw for partners need some help...
bluebell54321 profile image

Nice surprise

Well, house sharing with my soon-to-be-ex isn't a barrel of laughs, and I certa...
Hidden profile image

FibroAction Complaints Policy online

Since they joined the FibroAction team, our new Operations Director Catherine an...
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Has anyone tried LDN to help fibro symptoms?

I haven't got fibro but I have an under active thyroid so I'm on the thyroid for...
Hidden profile image

In Shock!!!!

Morning all, Iv had an awful nights sleep yet again prob managed 3 hours in all,...
Beverlizer profile image

Behind the knee pain

Help!!! I have a pain behind my knee for months and months now, nothing seems t...
dixie58 profile image

The dreaded brown envelope

was on the doormat when I got home from work yesterday. I left it laying there ...
lynnecw profile image

Morning all & I hope you have a great valentines

We're off to the cinema tonight I only hope I can a. Stay awake for the film & b...
SuzyB profile image

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day everyone.....i love you all!!!! xx
charlii profile image


I finally started to come good - could move around better and felt lighter - sta...
cmdrpolly profile image

early morning

morning my fibro freinds , whos awake this time of morning already woke up at...
tinkerbell66 profile image


To whom ever suggested a bar of soap under the sheet to possibly help ease restl...
Sthandra profile image

People have no idea! So angry

A woman I know, that I have known for about 8 years has totally blown me away, ...
nanatre profile image

40 mins to get out of bed

I've been having those mornings again when my legs a limp with little feeling an...
emjane4465 profile image


Yesterday I had an appointment at the chest clinic to rule out sleep apnoea.I wi...
Amanda profile image

who would play you in a movie?

after recent madcap blogs, someone suggested writing a book. Nicole Kidman has b...
hamble99b profile image

Good and Bad news from DWP

According to Healthunlocked: "It may be one of the shortest lived legal vict...
Smily profile image


Does any1 no of any fibro groups coffee mornings ect in the nottingham are? I ca...
sharne27 profile image

Sat at the windowo watching the snowfall

Its lovley but oh so cold ive been sat in the chair most of the day, Been having...
sharne27 profile image

New changes for PIP - the latest

Yorkielover profile image

Why does fibro fog always occur at the worst moment.......

Ok we all have fibro fog but WHY doesn't it occur when it's not important .. If ...
Hidden profile image

Had my scan yesterday

They found nothing and docs have put my increased thirst and bloatedness down to...
sharne27 profile image

To all my fibro friends read on please ... I find

having read all the posts today I cannot give you answers - I wish I was able. L...
Ginsing profile image

Feeling so Rubbish

I have been 'lurking' here for a while now - reading blogs but never posting but...

re what sleep

morning all or is it , still cant sleep i went to bed again at 12,00 .up at 2.0...
tinkerbell66 profile image

Push & Crash Cycle (also known as Boom & Bust)

Hello Everyone, Just thought I would blog about the Push & Crash Cycle (or Bo...
Mdaisy profile image


Well first day in the office since 11th Jan. The 45 mile drive here has left me ...
SuzyB profile image

names for the girls

not to good today didnt manage to get the hen house together luckly my husband a...
dollydoodle profile image

Not feeling very well :-(

I had incident last Monday a cabinet fell on my head front forehead supporting a...
fairycazzie profile image

what is the reason?

since end of 2011 when rib probs started and up til now,esp in the last 8 months...
anbuma profile image