Posts - Fibromyalgia Action UK | HealthUnlocked

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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All posts for January 2013

does anyone know the name and address of a doctor in belfast who specialises in m e

rice profile image

Anybody tried the Fast diet ? We are all ever hopeful so going

to have a go. Two days fasting or lower calories than the other five. I think ...
Ginsing profile image

Unusually yesterday I slept better than I have for literally years did it help?

It took longer to get moving and the cold is wrotten for us Fibro people - it is...
Ginsing profile image
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Hello its me im back for good

hi,all you lovely people im back an im here to stay cos i will survive as the s...
chicme profile image

Lump in neck - where did that come from?

Been in a flare for the past week - my first 'recognised' flare since being newl...
melodypond profile image

day 2 of the diet !! I want carbs and more carbs

been to ill to start diet weeks ago im doing low carb. Today the fibro been pla...
sharne27 profile image

Hi everyone, I'm new here and I need a bit of help. Does anyone have problems with their breathing.

I feel as if sometimes I forget to breath and panic and then have to concentrate...
Misery profile image

Its' going to be a good year, I can feel it already.......xxxxxxxxx

Hi everyone, I have just decided to write a good day blog on here. I have been ...

How do I know if I have Myofascial as well

Pain in my leg can't sit Down, how do I know If it's myofascial and not Fibro...
Hidden profile image

DWP "fitness for work" the government response to "health at work"
hopingowen profile image

Libby is Gins your first casualty of the day?

Ok.... No post from Gins this morning .... Libby did you mistime your landing ag...

Can you please keep to the left or the right of the forum today when posting or browsing as Libby needs the middle kept free.

Our fairy administrator has emerged from her chrysalis and turned into a butterf...

I poochy sat yesterday whilst my car was trying to get fixed . The turkeys bigger

As you see in other post haha bless my turkey is bigger than ickle Austin in his...
fairycazzie profile image

Yawwwwn good morning anyone awake yet

Dont you just love it when you either wake or are awake in night and think ahhh ...
fairycazzie profile image

long day in pain

after a very tiring and emotional day,my body has finally given up and told me t...
quovardis profile image


not been on for sooo long but just had to say i am pissed got leter of docto...
kathlaidlaw profile image

im in sooo much pain totaly fed up

for the last few days ihave become more and more unwell im sick of all this im i...
munchkin62 profile image

mr snow

thought I'd post him again. :D sandra.
hamble99b profile image

Wishing everyone a good Weekend

Many Hugs & Blessings
Rubberman profile image

Something else wrong. Fed up.

Hi all As well as all our fibro problemsms. I have now been told I have an obst...
Susan59 profile image

Should have known better

Well I should have known my good fortune wouldn't last long. Won my appeal and w...
irishjools profile image

Housing Association Applications, any advice please?

I'm having to sell my home as it is unsustainable - (and in arrears), is there a...
Hidden profile image

jaw bone

does anyone have any problem with their teeth/ jaw bone has worn down so ...
anbuma profile image

What do you do for fun?

Ok I,ll kick this off cos I,m not very mobile and due to arthritis creeping in I...

I love looking at the snow , but my pain levels are through the roof !

I know the snow looks pretty, but I haven't gone out in it, I have just turned t...
Carolinee71 profile image

Day 8 of back pain

I've now had back pain for 8 days although its only been this bad for the past 6...
SuzyB profile image

Support Michael Meacher

I listened to Michael Meachers slamming speach against ATOS in the house of comm...
Hidden profile image

The diet / help buddy system we started at the new year really does work...

As you all may have noticed and some may still be celebrating I was off the boar...

this am serious siatica both legs from hip to toe

feels like I am moving with eggs shells and nuts and bolts in my legs really wea...
Ginsing profile image

being alone

hello every one .i feel very deppressed and if i could get out i walk take a lon...
sylviajones profile image