Having just read the joyus escapades ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Having just read the joyus escapades of yesterday heres hoping the 19th day can produce a quality of humor to surpass it!

Ginsing profile image
20 Replies

So the 19th a fearfully Jolly little santa skipping a long with a star on a wand and a presie in his hand looks very pleased with himself - ponders = oh he must have heard Gins is headding down the M6 today and is in hot pursuit with decorations for the house.

The jolly joke to today "Why is Christmas just like a day at the office"

Whitty replies please correct answer will follow tomorrow so you can all concoct a story :)

Must go now sleigh awaits for me on M6 xgins

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Ginsing profile image
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20 Replies
Extremelygrumpy profile image

Are you sure that's a Santa and not Alan Carr dressed up ????, My advent calendar, surpassed it's self yesterday by actually being festive has now decided enough is enough and has leapt from animal farm into pirates of the Caribbean and given me a treasure chest full of diamonds gold and strings of pearls, just typical I get the treasure chest.... Who got Johnny Depp,......... is that why you ate whizz ing down the M6 gins ,,,, are you eloping with johnny depp. Although it pains me to think about it. That's preferable to you and Sandra doing a Thelma and Louise

Ps if you hear a knocking noise from your boot and can smell pine needles ..it's LIbs ... She had one too many of the cooking sherry making mince pies last night and staggered into the boot of your car for a little nap

VG x

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Why is Christmas just like a day at the office.....that's very unfair ... Sulks ...I have never worked in an office... What goes on there, I have heard of office parties but ..... No gins pleeeaassee tell me you haven't photocopied bits of you....... And posted them to me..... Rushes to glue the letterbox shut

VG x

ladymoth profile image

Awhhh - it's so good to see you girls having a happy time in the run up to Christmas.

I am trying to get 'in the zone' as they say - was rather nice to see a bus-driver dressed as Santa yesterday! I am rather sad, however, that I have no photocopier available on which to take pictures of my body parts, so I'm sorry VG and everyone - I won't be able to post them to you!

I wonder why on earth people do such things - I've spent many an hour at all times of year (but mainly Christmas) picking bits of glass and plastic out of people's bums because they have sat on a photocopier. No wonder the NHS is cash-strapped! Anyway - one bum looks much the same as another!

Christmassy Hugs ...Moffy xxx

Extremelygrumpy profile image

That's disgusting Moffy, how are people who make photocopiers allowed to get away with such shoddy workmanship that they crack and break when someone sits on them.... I think the NHS should send the bill to the photocopier company

Wonder how does anyone with glass in their buttocks get to hospital.. Kneeling on all fours on the backseat of a car.... Driving with a raised toilet seat on the chair..... Gahhh that's going to have me thinking all day...

VG :o

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Erm I meant the photo copiers being so shoddy are disgusting not you personally Moffy though I suppose being presented with a bum full of glass could be pretty disgusting for you


in reply to Extremelygrumpy

Don't go getting any ideas with photocopiers VG, it's not a good look for Christmastime! ;) xxx

Lol, just read the car boot bit lol! What are you like VG - the sight of me staggering and lumbering into a car boot would not be a pretty sight, I've got needles in my tutu and my drawers remember! :O :P


Extremelygrumpy profile image

I have just received CCTV of a hungover fairy climbing out of a car boot at a service station on the M6 near Birmingham leaving a trail of pine needles behind her........

Talk your way out of that one ;)

Just blame gins she should have checked her tyres oil water and boot this morning before she set off down the M6

VG :)

in reply to Extremelygrumpy

Does Gins know I'm in her boot by any chance or is she driving around blissfully unaware of the sight to behold in the back of her car haha! :O :P xxx

ladymoth profile image

Hohoho! Hahaha! Hehehe!

I've used up all my 'spoons' laughing at you lot! Gonna have a lie-down now before the next onslaught of baking and pressie wrapping!

Christmassy hugs ...Moffy xxx

in reply to ladymoth

Christmassy hugs to you too Moffy! xxx

Extremelygrumpy profile image
Extremelygrumpy in reply to ladymoth

Merry Christmas Moffy

Extremelygrumpy profile image

News flash ... There have been sightings reporting seeing a life sized fairy hitching a ride on a lorry full of Christmas trees. Shouting I need to get home to make sausage rolls

Hope you make it in time LIbs.... And yes it was a badly concocted kidnapping by Gins to trap you into her kitchen so you could do her Christmas baking .... I told her not too.... Naughty gins

Smiles sweetly and innocently



in reply to Extremelygrumpy

If I didn't know better VG I'd think you were standing behind me! :O Posting the split second I do lol! ;) :P

So it's all part of your master festive plan VG, haul me up North in the boot of a car at Christmas time dressed as a fairy with pine needles in my tutu and my drawers too. Then leave me up there stranded in sub-zero temperatures without baking my sausage rolls! I notice Gins is keeping quiet, is she hiding somewhere to ambush me on my way home back down South! ;) :P xxx

Watch it VG, your halo's slipping lol! :P

Extremelygrumpy profile image

It's because I am too weak to stand properly ..... I need sausage rolls freshly cooked and warm out of the oven.... I am standing behind you.... You just can,t see me because I am wearing the one ring to rule them all to make me invisible..... My own my precious

Waves feebly


in reply to Extremelygrumpy

Oh my goodness an invisible VG! Run for your lives folks lol! :P xxx

Extremelygrumpy profile image

But,,,, which way should they run



in reply to Extremelygrumpy

The only consolation VG is that even invisible you can't possibly catch all of us lol! :P xxx

Ginsing profile image

Okaya M6 was successfully negotiated ow ensconsed for the festive season. Didn't find yiu Libs in the boot when did you leave the car?

Inisibility is no excuse vg have you recovered

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