just want a moan really....im havin a... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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just want a moan really....im havin a urgent eye opp next week...to stop me goin blind...as if ive not got enough 2 worry about!!!moan over1

shopaholic profile image
8 Replies
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shopaholic profile image
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8 Replies

Hey shopaholic, gentle hugs.

You moan all you want girl! Nowt wrong with a good moan - especially when you've got an operation looming in front of you! Hard as it will be to do - try not to think too much about next week - and if you do think about it do as I do - When I'm faced with something huge like an operation - to calm myself from a week before the op - I do a list in my head - and always on the list is this - "If it's for my own benefit - then let them get on with it" - And with that kind of mindset - I take a calming breath or two and just go with the flow - so to speak - I allow myself to put my life and trust into the surgeons and staff and let them do whatever is needed to make my life easier and healthier.

Best wishes for a great outcome to the op.


Carol xx

jayjay profile image

Awww Bless you shopaholic,

Wishing you well and a good out come, i'm sure it will all go ok, will be thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery, and you can moan as much as you like hun,

sending you loadsa love and gentle hugs jackie xxxxx

getactive profile image

Hi shopaholic you deserve to have a moan when you are facing an eye operation I hope it goes really well and that you recover quickly I was very fortunatel when I had my hernia op today it went well and I am home again thinking of you take care xxx

pottydog profile image

My sympathies go out to you, I have eye cancer and loosing my sight was a real worry, still scares me a bit, that it could happen. But I take each day as it comes so try not to think about the what-if's.

There is a charity, you can access them online too, called CALIBRE, who lend spoken words books to those unable to, or having trouble with, reading. They offer a variety of tastes and formats, from tape to mp3.

You don't need to be registered blind of any such thing, they loan to dyslexics too.

It's all free, you list what you like, or they will just choose some for you, then pop them in the post in cases that have the return address and postage already done on the reverse of your address card, so all you have to do when finished with a book, is turn the card around and pop it back in a postbox.

Good luck with your op. my experiance was good:)


shopaholic profile image
shopaholic in reply to pottydog

awwww bless u.....u r so brave...thank u 4 ur reply..im sure it ull go well....take care pottydog...lots of luv xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

pottydog profile image
pottydog in reply to shopaholic

Kind of you to say but I'm no braver than anyone else.

I do have an odd sense humor though, I find it essential. played I spy with my sister in the ocular oncology waiting room, with about 30+ other people waiting to be seen and took in a wind up hopping eyeball for my stint in isolation, kept the nurses amused;)))

shopaholic profile image
shopaholic in reply to pottydog

ha ha!!!yes i agree theres nothin like a good laugh!!!!!!! take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

shopaholic profile image

thank u everyone...il keep u posted!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx