WHEN WILL I EVER LEARN? [ as I type I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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WHEN WILL I EVER LEARN? [ as I type I'm in agony with middle finger, left hand - OUCH! :-'( ]

4 Replies

Am sat at my PC playing Bookworm - I adore word games - anyhoooo - some young kids are at my front, living room window calling to my 4 Kitts who're sat on the sill washing themselves - until one nasty boy threw a blasted stone at the window! No damage done to the window thankfully, but it caused my Kitts - including a 10 week old Kitten - to run in all directions - scrabbling out through the curtains - and in doing so - tore down the curtains, rail and all - snapping the rail into 3 - and breaking all the grips on the wooden batten, that holds the rail. The rotten kids all scarpered too. All Kitts are fine - even the Little Guy. As it is going to be dark soon and I've not got time to get a new rail etc., due to being too unwell to leave house - plus the fear that if I did go out I'd have a panic attack as I'd not planned a trip - ( I need to prep myself the day before going anywhere) - So what does this silly old gal do? I climb up a 2 step ladder and decide for the time being I'll SCREW the curtain to the batten temporarily - Now, before Fibro took my ability, stamina and general get-up-and-go, I was able to rely on no-one but myself to do ANY and ALL D.I.Y. So I manage to put up one curtain fine - nobody can tell how botched the job is from outside - I manage to do both ends of the second curtain, when Fibro Boy decides he wants his bit of the action, and just as I'm about to start screwing into the batten, my hands and legs start shaking - my right hand that has the screwdriver slides along the batten, and as you can guess by the title above - it shoved the attached screw 4-5 millimetres into my middle, left finger. To say it ruddy well hurts is putting it mildly! For a good half hour I felt sick and faint - something pre-Fibro would not have happened - nor doing what I did to my finger had even fazed me. Even after this accident - I doubt I'll ever learn that Fibro is a sneaky, evil son-of-a-b***h!

Best finish the second curtain before the light goes - It's gone very cloudy out.

Hugs and much love to all - Stay safe! :-P

Carol x

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4 Replies
lynz profile image

oh bless you ,hope your finger dosnt hurt for too much longer ,i used to be like that and still think iam mrs diy lol tc hugs xxx

Hey lynz, thankees!

It's throbbing like heck at present, but I've managed to get the other curtain up - Just avoiding screwing into my right thumb this time! Am a nervous wreck and right now wishing the new meds for the shakes and RLS had already began to work. Ahhh well - hopefully they'll get working in the next 4 weeks or so.

Stay safe lynz,

Gentle hugs xx

jazher profile image

Ohh that sounds soooo painful. I am no good a diy, i have no paitence even before fibro lol.

I hate horrible kids, thankfully we dont have any on my street and we would know who done it anyway if they did. YOur poor cats, i have three cats and i would go mental if anybody tried to harm any of them.

You sit and rest now, and you should get that finger seen to.

hugs, kel xxx

Thanks for commenting Kel. It's still throbbing like mad but should be fine by tomorrow - or at least down to a dull ache! Quite a bit of a hole on the tip of the finger - but no need for a suture. It's wrapped in a sterile bandage to give it a chance to start healing.

If any of these 4 Kitts been hurt - I'd be out after that kids blood for sure. Where I live, it's all very young families, all parents are barely into their 20's - mostly single mothers - the language from both parents AND their children is disgusting. - I'm a single mother myself and taught and brought my daughter's to show respect and to speak properly. Swearing gets you no where - but to these families it's part of who they are and their way of life sadly.

Hugs & love,

Carol xx

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