Guifenesin I took it for 12yrs - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Guifenesin I took it for 12yrs

9 Replies

Hi everyone I'm new here so bare with me. I took Guifenesin for 12yrs, stopped taking it about 6 months ago. I don't feel worse or any better. I feel I have wasted a lot of money. I do believe it has helped many people it doesn't work for everybody I was not one of the lucky ones, but hey I'm very pleased that people out there are getting better.I have had it now since childhood and I'm now 60 its been apart of my life for what seems forever,as the docs keep telling live with it , it's easier said than done.I am really fed up with it at the moment I'm really suffering can't wait for my good days this weather is making matters worse it's like winter all over again for us .Anyone out there wanting to try guifenisen give it a go it may work for you. Gentle hugs.

From Diane.

9 Replies
LindseyMid profile image

Thanks for posting that Diane. There is no good evidence that Guai works for Fibro above placebo, but many people still support it. We don't often hear from those people who have realised that is hasn't helped.

Guifenesin is basically the main ingredient in benelyin cough medicine so I have always wondered how it could possibly work ..... But I would be interested to hear as it hasn't helped your fibro ... Have you had many coughs in the last 12 years????

VG x

Fibrofoggiest profile image

This is interesting, because a lot of sites based in the US seem to advocate the use of Guaifenesen in fibro, it would appear according to some sites (questionable?) to be the drug of choice for treating fibro. Like VG, being aware of it as a constituent part of cough mixture does not exactly inspire me with confidence as a treatment for fibro, though I am open minded and welcome to be proved wrong, if so I'm off to purchase bucket loads of Benylin :D I hope you find something that works for you Diane!

Foggy x

Don't get the type that makes you drowsy foggy or we will never hear from you again


Fibrofoggiest profile image
Fibrofoggiest in reply to

That may well be a good thing for you VG, no Foggy to hassle you ;-) as I seem to be in a constant daze and dopey I can't see there would be much change, I am but a bear with very little brain :D

Drowsily, Foggy ;-) x

jillylin profile image

I had heard about this but not from anyone who thought it helped them. It's a bit like those "cures' we keep hearing about that seem to require a lot of money to be spent yet never solve the problem :-(



I have looked into Gui although haven't decided to follow the protocol. I do know you can't use the gui from cough mixtures. In order for gui to have any effect it involves removing other stuff from the diet. Its quite a complicated thing. Gui isn't cheap in the form it has to be taken, and you have to be very aware of shampoos, creams, toothpaste foods, that contains ingredients that block its effectiveness......and theres die_off symptoms that can make people feel worse.

There's plenty who are able to keep to the complicated protocol and can afford it, who seem to get benefit from it......I know I'm just not disciplined enough and live with people who would make it impossible.

I struggle staying on the diet I have....which keeps IBS and pain away !

I also wonder whether cutting out what they do would have an effect without gui?

So its a nono for me x

I do get boots own gui only cough syrup though if I have a cough and find it very good x

snowbell profile image

I suppose its the latest devils claw, liquirice, soz for spelling, wonder treatment. Am wary of these things anyway. Remember st johns wort for menopause and then they found that it could be quite dangerous?...

Thankyou to all who sent there comments. I should have known it wouldn't be a cure for I'm not that lucky if it wasn't for my bad luck I would have no luck at all.

I shall try and answer your question s if I can remember them lol.

The only thing I found for guai did for me, was I didn't with sinusitis and bad headaches and yes I still had coughs. I think I follwed the protocol , to which now I can now use minty toothe paste and scented shower gels and body lotions you miss all that.I didn't follow any diet I'm not very good with diets. Stepper I'm interested in knowing what sort of diet you follow for your IBS, I have probably forgot something, being permanently dopey and foggy.Not having good week the fatigue as really got to me just lately it's a vicious circle pain, tired and more pain I wish someone would put my batteries back about dopey I've only gone and let my coffee go cold, I shall have to and lie down. Talk soon gentle hugs to everyone. Dianexx

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