Are clinics cancelling mid-treatment? - Fertility Network UK

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Are clinics cancelling mid-treatment?

37 Replies

Hi ladies,

Like everyone, I am really panicked about the escalating number of Covid-19 cases (which will only increase in the next few weeks).

My clinic is private in London. They said it is "unlikely" they will close, but I know so many people who are having their cycles postponed and cancelled in private clinics.

Has anyone had their treatment cancelled mid-treatment?

I am panicking that all these injections are for nothing....I am on my fourth cycle. This is an actual nightmare.


37 Replies
hifer profile image

God I know. It’s such a nightmare. I start this week. My clinic is taking it day by day and won’t give me any reassurances. They have said that if they have to cancel mid cycle then they will and it’s at our risk! I really hope for you that yours doesn’t. Xx

in reply to hifer

Every night I take my injections I am worried it is for nothing....a total nightmare.

I knew the situation is bad and will continue to get worse, but I thought that I was getting "in early" but it seems the virus is spreading quicker than people thought.

I just have to try and calm myself down. Any tips? xx

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to

I use the Calm app (I subscribed so there’s more options) which really helps with breathing, relaxing, meditation etc. In terms of whether the cycle will be cancelled, sadly I’ve just developed a bit of a ‘what will be, will be’ attitude which is really sad cos it means my mood is a bit monotone! You can only continue being the amazing IVF warrior that you are and really hope for the best. We will all hope for you too. Xx

in reply to hifer

Thanks so much, that really helps xx

Chi17 profile image

I’m getting towards the end of stims..hopefully having my final scan and trigger tomorrow. I’m dreading being told they need to cancel. I’m hoping at worst it could be a freeze all..should we have anything worth freezing! I’m hopeful that they will be sensible and still go ahead with cycles that are in progress at least. I mean they are businesses that still need to pay the rent and wages etc. My clinic said they are currently still going ahead with all as planned but monitoring the situation closely x

in reply to Chi17

I really hope so! You are so close to the end of your treatment, I think you will be fine - they couldn't possibly cancel now. Can I ask if you are at an NHS clinic?

Lots of luck for a successful EC! xx

Chi17 profile image
Chi17 in reply to

Hi I am a private patient at a private clinic..also with access fertility. Having spent so much on drugs for this round we couldn’t possibly afford that again so if this gets cancelled we are out of the game 😥 good luck to you too xx

Nik1988 profile image

I ran today to ask and said was taking one day at a time. 1 hour later I had to ring back to say I had started (day 1) nurse rang this aft to confirm and book appointment and get my script to then 4:45 watch the news.

I’m devastated as no doubt will be cancelled. I can’t see how they will put pregnant women at risk. It’s like the Zika virus. They won’t treat knowing their is a risk. 😢

Can’t imagine been mid cycle I’m in tears now.

in reply to Nik1988

I am so, so sorry. So did you start injecting? Was it an NHS hospital? Can they not do an FET? xx

Nik1988 profile image

No prescription is there for me to collect at my next appointment on Friday to start day 21. So not mid cycle. Nhs hospital but private patient.

We have been on a rollercoaster like a lot of people and I’m at the point of calling it quits after today. Worst is my body decided to be 4 days early so put hopes up to get started today rather than Friday. Strange how the world works but thinking ours is not ment to be. X

in reply to Nik1988

So sorry to hear this, but it will be over in a few months and you can continue. Don't give up - use this time to get your body ready for what is to come :) xxxxx

Nik1988 profile image
Nik1988 in reply to

I’ve been doing it for months after we had to prospone last year after an eptopic then Zika virus. I’m just in that state of mind that everything is against us. So want to give up. Suppose spitting my dummy out. 😢 🤞🏼It all blows over fast and see how I feel in a few days. Xxx good luck to everyone else. X

F1dg3 profile image

Hi I’m also concerned about this, I’m 2 1/2 weeks into my injections, so not sure about what will happen

in reply to F1dg3

That is a long time for injections, you must be triggering soon? Are you also private? Everything crossed for you xx

ttcemmie profile image

Hi Anna. When would your egg collection be do you think? This is a nightmare and a complete lottery as to which clinics are closing and timing. As if enough of this process wasn't out of our hands! Now this to contend with - not knowing if the clinic you're at will even be open. Madness. Nothing super useful to tell you, but just wanted to say I hear your worries. We will all be absolute pros with dealing with uncertainty after this (not that we ever wanted to be). Hoping everything goes ahead for you. x

in reply to ttcemmie

Thank EC would be in 10 days. I am on Day 4 of stims....x

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to

Oh gosh, not exactly tomorrow then. Stressful! Really got everything crossed for you. xxxx

Gagas profile image

Hi Anna,

I know... I started estimulation last Saturday.. they said that they can't guarantee that the cycle will be finished.. but they would support with the cost of drugs if that is the case. I have decided to go ahead as this is going to get worst. I am from Spain things will be the same here in a couple of weeks if not earlier. I think we have to keep calm and go on. All the best.

in reply to Gagas

Thanks so much and wishing you the best with your cycle!! I though everything in Spain was shut down/on lock down, so very glad to hear you can go ahead. Keeping my fingers crossed for you xx

Net25 profile image
Net25 in reply to Gagas

Hi Anna would you be able to tell me, would they just expect you to stop injections abruptly? Would that even be safe to do? I ask because I'm due to start injecting tomorrow and I can't imagine it would be safe if I had to suddenly stop half way through stims xxx

in reply to Net25

Sadly some women have been told to stop injecting during their cycle. This is what I am worried about. I guess they wouldn't tell us to stop if it was dangerous - it is just dangerous to our mental health, not so much our bodies!

My clinic is currently open, but I am very, very anxious as I have 10 days until EC.

I would speak to your clinic to get some reassurances - which clinic are you with? x

Italy300618 profile image

Hi lovely, I can imagine you are panicking! Last night I literally had a full on melt down! I havent started yet, due to start down reg on Sunday. I called access fertility this morning...I am not sure if you are with them?

They are saying that if cycles get cancelled mid treatment, they will waive the fee whether its the clinic cancelling or yourself if you have to self isolate. If you get to egg collection and then it gets cancelled, again they will waive the fee of freezing and it doesnt count as a cycle. (we are doing 2 cycle multi package)

My Clinic have said they are continuing as normal, on the website they are saying for any reason if they have to cancel, they will refund 50% of the medication, and there will fund the next cycle free of charge- if paying direct to clinic.

I feel a bit better today.

I would say, stay off the news for a little bit, we all know what we now have to do, hibernate yourself away, and focus on you and your treatment. Use the calm app and the mindful ivf app and try and stay as calm as possible, us ladies will stick together through this. Wishing you the best of luck xxx

in reply to Italy300618

I totally agree - we need to stay off the news and stay calm! Thank you!!

I am not with Access, but our clinic said we would be refunded - but, I would still be devastated. I am not even thinking about the money and more about my poor body!!

Are you private in London too? xx

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply to

We are private in Birmingham. The nurse called today to say they are having a 'big' meeting at 1.30 today and will let me know if I can start on Sunday. Doesnt look good!

Very best of luck with the rest of your cycle xx

in reply to Italy300618

Did you get any response? Hope they aren't shutting?

I am still having anxiety mine will shut. I am Day 5 today....x

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply to

Yes we are still going ahead! So relieved! They also said that if we start then we will be seen through our treatment and they wont cancel half way through, so I would really like to think you will be the same. This really is no good for our stress levels is it?! Stay calm my lovely I'm sure it will be ok xx

in reply to Italy300618

Thank you so, so much. Exactly what I need to hear - can you message me what clinic you are with? xx

Net25 profile image
Net25 in reply to Italy300618

Hi sorry to jump in but would you mind telling me which clinic this is? As I'm due to start injecting tomorrow and I'm wondering whether my clinic would make me stop suddenly mid stimulating

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply to Net25

I'll message you xx

Net25 profile image
Net25 in reply to Italy300618

Thank you xxx

Maggiemooi profile image
Maggiemooi in reply to Italy300618

Thanks for the info - I am day 6 stims on access multi-package with meds included - so glad I chose that now! Crossing my fingers to get to egg collection in a week. My main concern now is catching any cold or flu and having to self isolate. Working from home now and starting to feel something of a lonely hermit with my stash of ivf drugs

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply to Maggiemooi

Best place for you to be 💗 fingers crossed everything continues well for you 🤞 xx

Maggiemooi profile image
Maggiemooi in reply to Italy300618

Thank you - you too!

Rainbowdreams82 profile image

Treatment cancelled 😔 absolutely devastated

in reply to Rainbowdreams82

Oh no!! I am so, so sorry...are you already in the middle of your treatment?! x

L2213 profile image

I had a call today and my FET has been cancelled too, I was half way through down reg, have no idea when we’ll be able to start again xxx

in reply to L2213

I am so sorry! I can only imagine how hard that must be x

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