Loosing Hope on First IVF Round - Fertility Network UK

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Loosing Hope on First IVF Round

Dazed_and_Confused55 profile image

Hi All. I feel like I need some support today and everyone here has been great in the past. I had my egg collection yesterday and got 14 mature eggs which all fertilised using ICSI. I was really pleased with outcome and felt like we had a good shot. The embryologist called this morning and we lost 10 overnight so just 4 left. She said that the 4 left look good but I am devastated and feel like we are going to end up with nothing to transfer.

I know we still have a chance but am finding it hard to stay positive x

Thanks for the support yesterday.

Update: All 4 are still doing well. 2 2 cells and 2 4 cells planned transfer on Monday. Fingers crossed they will be okay till then.

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Dazed_and_Confused55 profile image
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10 Replies
Cinderella5 profile image

It is disappointing that you lose embryos along the way but you still have 4 that they sound very happy with and I know it sounds cliche but it only takes one! Good luck for transfer, its such an agonising wait!xx

Kempton profile image

Stay positive! I only had 4 eggs. 3 fertilised and 1 stopped developing, which left me with 2 blastocysts. Had an unsuccessful fresh transfer and it was my 1 remaining frozen embryo that is now my 8 month old baby :)

There will be at least one fighter in there :)

Best of luck!

Wishing you the best of luck. I had 6 eggs, 4 of which fertilized & I'm 33 weeks pregnant. I was gutted with my numbers but it can be done! X

You really only need one egg. In my rounds I have only collected 3 and 2 with one and two fertilizing. Both went to day 3 transfer. So don't lose hope, you have good numbers left and you will choose the best to transfer anyway xx

We had 12 collected, 10 mature and 7 fertilised with icsi, by day 3 only 4 of those we’re developing normally and of those 4 all made it to day 5 (1 grade A, 1 grade B and 2 x C) we are now 7+3 from the grade A. I felt like we had done so well and was gutted by them dropping off at each stage and felt huge anxiety at having nothing to transfer but there is still hope with 4 embryos, it really does just take one. Look after yourself and I hope your 4 little embryos continue to grow well xx

MrsAdzee profile image

You’ve still got a good number so keep hope!

We recently went through our first IVF....had expected a good number because 11 follicles could be seen. However, on collection day only 4 eggs were collected. All 4 fertilised overnight . On day 3 we had 3 embryos left....they were left until day 5 and we were left with 1 blastocyst which they froze. I know it would always be preferable to have more suitable for freezing but we just feel so so grateful that we have 1 frostie that we transferred yesterday. They say it only takes one so keep positive and wish you lots of luck ☘️xxx

Yogagirl37 profile image

I’ve recently gone through round 2. After having 11 follicles on scan, then only 5 eggs retrieved, and then to be told none of them were viable in the first instance (later some matured - miracle!) I do know how you feel. You think your in a really good position then all of a sudden things change. But you do have 4 eggs - which is great!! Take each day as it comes and I’m sure you will be in a great position for transfer. Good luck!

genten profile image

That's understandable. It's a very testing time and the nerves are awful.

Try to keep positive. Praying for your little embies. Xxx

Tugsgirl profile image

It’s a big drop when it started off so well but all 4 are looking good right? So potentially you could still end up with 4 blasts by the end of the week, which would actually be really good numbers! Even if you only end up with one or two try to remember that it’s quality over quantity! xx

EmilyK5186 profile image

I know it is disappointing. But it can happen. Mine as well. I had 10 maturated eggs and all of them were fertilized. However only 3 managed to reach to 5 days blastocyst stage. I had one fresh transfer (2 embryo frozen) back in August and it was failed. Started bleeding on 9 days after transfer. Then we started our FET circle from my September period. I had FET on 15th Oct and had blood test on 24th Oct and it is BFP!!! Never loose hope, be positive. Send you all my best wished and good luck :) xx

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