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37 week induction- success stories?

Lolalules profile image
11 Replies

Hi ladies, after being told i would be induced at 39 weeks they now want to push this to 37 (next week!). Bubba is fine but small (4-8 centile) and they think there’s a risk with my low papp-a… although blood flow from placenta and fluid have been consistently fine so far.

For some reason, I’ve found this really difficult to come to terms with and i’ve been really down about it. I’m dreading the induction not working and needing to have a c-section which I’m worried will happen cus 37 weeks is still quite early. I don’t know whether it’s because, as an IVF pregnancy, I was hoping to have this portion of the pregnancy be natural and wanted the opportunity to have a midwife-led birth. Every time I express this i’m told to think about the outcome of a healthy baby being the most important thing — which of course esp. post-IVF is all I’ve wanted — but it makes me feel like i’m being selfish or unreasonable for not wanting the early induction and being sad I can’t have the birth I was hoping for. Esp as baby is healthy and there are no known issues other than size.

Either way, I wanted to see if anyone else has had this experience? And was anyone induced early and still manage to have a vaginal birth?

Thanks, sorry for the essay!

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11 Replies

I was induced early for my first pregnancy (non-IVF) and had a vaginal birth.

Have you had a 2nd opinion on the early induction?

I felt very pressured 1st time around to have an early induction, I pushed for a 40wk induction this time and was glad....

Obviously if there was a medical reason I would have been 100% happy to have brought that forward...

Best of luck with it!


Lolalules profile image
Lolalules in reply to

Thanks so much for the reply - yeah they’ve told me it’s very low risk but the risk is still there. So i feel like if I push for longer I’m making the wrong decision.

There is a medical reason but it’s more of a ‘what-if’ rather than confirmed. They know that the baby is small and that i tested low for papp-a. But they said that the baby’s growth itself wouldn’t be cause for early induction, but the papp-a makes them think it could be required.

So it’s very much a grey area! Hoping to get a second opinion tomorrow 🤞

in reply to Lolalules

Best of luck - it is such a tricky one.....x

soccerkt6 profile image

Hi lovely

I can't say I have any direct experience of this as I'm only in my second trimester, but I just wanted to say that your desire for a more natural birthing process is neither selfish nor unreasonable. 37 weeks is, as you say, quite early and there are lots of valid medical reasons why you might want to wait a bit longer.

I hope your second opinion sheds some more light on the matter but I also want to say that if you feel strongly that you or baby are not ready at 37 weeks, you should listen to your gut. It's sometimes easy to forget, but medical advice is just that - advice - and you get to make the final decision about what happens. In my own personal opinion, it seems like in pregnancy there's always a low risk of something going wrong, and in my mind, a "very low risk" of something going wrong isn't a strong enough reason to induce at 37 weeks. Assuming you want to wait a week or two, could the hospital not just scan you a bit extra over the next few weeks to ensure that baby continues to grow and that the placenta is in good shape??

Remember you're in charge though and whatever you decide will be the right decision! xxx

ChelWestie profile image
ChelWestie in reply to soccerkt6

37 weeks is considered full term so it’s not “early or classed as premature. My waters broke at 35+5 and we tried to get to 37weeks but I then had spontaneous labour at 36+4 and did an augmentation (not full induction) and we now have a beautiful, perfectly healthy baby girl.

I had been told I’d be induced by 38/39 weeks. I understand the desire to have natural birth especially after IVF process but if the medical team are insisting on induction due to risk and you feel otherwise then can you get second opinion? Or would you consider inducing labour naturally through yoga/acupuncture without medical intervention which might help you mentally accept this? the well-being of you and the baby are priority so don’t risk either at this stage.

The watch out is about the birth not progressing and getting c-section in the end, can you ask them about this and express your wish to have a vaginal birth and see what they say. - they normally accommodate your wish unless there is a strong medical reason otherwise.

soccerkt6 profile image
soccerkt6 in reply to ChelWestie

Oh how interesting that 37 weeks is classed as full term in the UK. I'm in the US and here you're not considered full term until 39 weeks.

Bec1987 profile image

hiya - I faced the same situation with my baby due in February. I had a very honest midwife tell me that induction at 37 weeks with first baby very rarely works and you end up with an emergency c section. Inductions can also take days (lots of my nct group were in 2-4 days before labour started and that was post due date!).

I decided to push for an extra week and went for a planned c section at 38 weeks. It was super calm and I was able to take own music, do skin to skin etc. recovery is longer and harder though.

HollyT7 profile image

i was induced with both of mine and had to have the drip with both. Avoided a c section even though at the end of my first I was begging for one as no pain meds worked. Second birth was totally different and I’d do it all gain. My top tip is to opt for epidural before the drip if you need it x

Hey there, I always find extra information helpful when it comes to these decisions. Ask for the stats. Ask how many ( what percentage) of women actually go on to c-section after induction at 37 weeks, it might be less than you think or if it’s the opposite then that would be a fair argument to raise your concerns and have another chat with your consultant. All the best.x

B4mb1 profile image

You have gotten some really good advice here ready. Have you heard about the Brains acronym, it can help you get all the info you need to make a Informed decision. Look it up.

There is always a risk it it is their job to inform you of the stats relative to You and your medical history not generic. There's no harm in saying you wish to wait an extra week and scaring you with stillbirth etc in my opinion is unacceptable. They need to tell you your actual risk of that.

There are benefits to baby fora vagi Al birth, there are benefits to baby to stay in their longer, so you are not being u reasonble to want to wait. Just be because they are full term doesn't mean all development is as complete as it could be or gestation wouldn't go up to 42 weeks.

Finally, from my research and according to my hospital there is no reason an IVF pregnancy with no other risk factors needs to be Induced at 39 weeks. Your low papp a may be an additional risk factor but you need to understand the reality of that risk so you can make a decision you are comfortable with.

Purple276 profile image

Hi LolalulesJust wondered how you got on with your consultant and what option you went down?

I'm in a similar but opposite position with baby on the <99% for size! Again no other major risks except IVF and iron deficiency. We've got our appointment with consultant today at 36+2 and the last one he suggested induction or c section at 39 and I'm nervous about it being earlier. Your post and the replies is really helpful.

I've gone down the rabbit hole of googling how often the scans are accurate! Either way hope all is well for you and baby x

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