hysterectomy 8 weeks post op and heart pa... - Endometriosis UK

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hysterectomy 8 weeks post op and heart palpitations- still have ovaries

KimG21 profile image
18 Replies

Hi everyone , I am 8 weeks post op total laparoscopic hysterectomy for large fibroid and still have my ovaries, has anyone e oriented heart flutters and palpitations after hysterectomy? I have heard they are common with menopause but since I have my ovaries I wouldn’t be in a menopause (although I have been told blood supply is compromised after removing the womb and tubes) I was in decapeptyl for six months before the op which would roughly be out my system by now so it could be a combination of being in so many hormonal treatments before hand that my body is trying to get back to some sort of normality. I don’t have chest pain , it’s more a flutter ir skipped beat - I haven’t been to the doc but if it doesn’t go away I will go .. I just feel I’ve been at the doc for that many thing since the op that I don’t want to become a pest if nothing is wrong xxx

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KimG21 profile image
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18 Replies
Prilo profile image

Hi, your palpitations might be as a result of low blood. Have you done full blood count test to be sure you are not anaemic

KimG21 profile image
KimG21 in reply to Prilo

Hi there, yeah my bloods are all good they were bad before the op because of all the heavy bleeding - I will get it checked out, just fed up feeling there’s always something with me x

Vickster23 profile image

Hey,Have you come off painkillers recently? My heart rate reacted to coming off codeine - I had to really wean myself off it over a few months after my hysterectomy.


KimG21 profile image
KimG21 in reply to Vickster23

Hi there, no I can’t say I have I managed to go into paracetamol fairly quickly, but thankyou for this 💕it’s prob my body trying to get back to normality as I was put into a chemical menopause before the op to try and shrink my fibroids so I think my body doesn’t know whether it’s coming or going 😂x

Heartof3 profile image

I'm due to have a total hysterectomy,My ovaries will be left too.I read that after our hysterectomy, our ovaries will basically go to sleep & take a little while to wake back up, so we will experience temporary menopause symptoms.

Listen to your body though. If u don't feel right then get checked out 💜

KimG21 profile image
KimG21 in reply to Heartof3

Yeah you are right if it keeps happening I will get it checked, this makes sense and I have heard of this , I was getting some hot flushes after my op - good luck with your operation if there’s anything I can help with please feel free to message x

Heartof3 profile image
Heartof3 in reply to KimG21

Hopefully it all settles soon for u.Ah Thank u 💜

Hi Kim, any update to this? I'm 4 days post op from my hysterectomy and experiencing the flutter/skipped beats. I experienced them before surgery too, but I'm sure that was from anemia due to large fibroids. Did you end up speaking with your doctor?

KimG21 profile image
KimG21 in reply to ChronicAllyCaffeine


Hope you are doing ok after your operation! Yeah I would def think the flutters and skipped beats would be coming from anemia - I had large fibroids and adenomyosis (which they found out after surgery) and woukd bleed so heavy however I only got flutter when losing alot of blood but noticed these skipped beats starting after my op. I did get a hike TT monitor and they said I was having ectopic beats but they were not concerned and said everyone gets them but not everyone feel them… but it did really bother me.

I go through phases where they calm down but I do still get them. I have dont my own research to understand and dr Sanjay Gupta on York cardiology (you tube) helped loads.

I woukd think giving you are so early after your op that I woukd have a lot of inflammation going in which def causes them. Also pain medication and perhaps some blood loss from surgery. Sometimes when I eat a lot or not so health I feel them kick in and also anxiety (which I didn’t always think I was but when I pay attention to myself thinking of anything which causes slight stress I def feel them playing up)

And definitely hormones fluctuating play a huge role. Obv I’m not a doctor and I’m only going on what I have read and been told but if you are worried def talk to your doctor about it. I did ask if it was hormones and she said it could be giving my womb was just removed and I won’t have as much progesterone- I kept my ovaries have you kept yours?

Hope you are ok - I would def say talk to your doctor for peace of mind more than anything but all in all ectopics are not dangerous and are pretty common. But they are pests and can’t frighten you! I hate them 🤣xxx

Baabhyder profile image
Baabhyder in reply to KimG21

Whatever you are saying - I am experiencing ! Had mine on 27th , developed internal bleeding a day after , hb dropped from 10 to 4 . Got re- operated on 29th . I am healing by the Grace of God, but lately developed the same symptoms as your’s . Heart flutters and feels like sinking with skipping beats . Such an annoying feeling . My ovaries are also preserved but experiencing these issues . Got my hb testes as well recently and it’s fine .

KimG21 profile image
KimG21 in reply to Baabhyder


So sorry you had to get operated on again, and glad you are now healing just make sure you get plenty of rest. Eat good food and beg so it’s easy to go to the toilet and so you aren’t straining!

Sorry to hear you are having these heart flutters as well, they are pests aren’t they! I was told by my doctor and doing online research that since the uterus is away the ovaries are slightly compromised for blood so they produce lower amount of hormones. Also your body has been through alot of trauma with such a big operation and then getting another one so it can be anxiety and nerves all over the place alongside your hormones being out of whack as well. Loads of these things cause them. If you are worried get them checked out but just if the times it’s things like caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, anxiety sometimes low magnesium or potassium - vitamins being about low or bloods being low but I know you have had yours checked.

I still get them, they come and go sometimes more than others but I’ve been told they won’t harm me as I had it checked out with a holter monitor. For peace of mind you could always do the same , I’m also convinced I am a getting a bit of the perimenopause and hormonal fluctuations are contributing to it.

Drink plenty water and eat a lot of veg and fruit ti help you heal well and just rest. Here if you need ti ask anything and wish you all the best - your life will be so much better after the hysterectomy! X

Baabhyder profile image
Baabhyder in reply to KimG21

I feel so much better just reading your reply ! You are very kind to elaborate for me what my doctor has unable to do so for me . It’s a huge thing & doctors don’t take out time to prepare what’s coming for their patients - sad !

Yes I have decided to let go of tea - I a trying to rest and relax ! But being an active person , it’s so hard must to curtail from everything . I have been through many things regarding hospitalisation but this is something different .

KimG21 profile image
KimG21 in reply to Baabhyder

Yes it’s so hard especially when you are used to being active. I tried to do too much too soon thinking I was ok at four weeks post op and caused a little more bleeding as I was still in the early stages of healing! Yes sometimes doctors don’t tell you too much which is ridiculous giving it’s such a huge operation and you feel like you are left to just get on with it! Dint be afraid to ask them though if you want anything looked at - they need to understand how much you have gone through, and you don’t want to be worrying while trying to rest. X

Baabhyder profile image
Baabhyder in reply to KimG21

your bleeding that happened after 4 weeks , it was internal or external

KimG21 profile image
KimG21 in reply to Baabhyder

It was external, my cervix was removed and they stitched me up creating what they call a ‘vault’ so I was told spotting would happen for some weeks after the op, but I moved around too much and it got a bit heavier so took a bit longer to heal but I was fine. I just had to keep resting and taking it easy x

Laneyk33 profile image

Hi Kim, found your post here after several days of Googling my symptoms! I've read everyone's replies and just wanted to add mine to see if it sounds familiar... Had a Total Hysterectomy on 3-11, I'm left with ovaries, surgery went well, no major blood loss, woke up in horrible pain, went home the same day as surgery. A few days after being at home I started having palpatations that just keep getting worse..at first they were mainly at night and was keeping me awake all night worrying, I'm noticing them during the day now too.. it's such a THUD feeling in your chest. Like, a sinking, fluttery THUD..is this what you guys felt?? I notice they ar3 worse after eating, especially eating junk..I have an appt with my Heart Dr on the 17th and a post op appt with the Gynecologist on the 10th. I am hoping nothing serious.. I am at the end of my rope. They are so annoying and scary! Is there anything you did, or the other people who commented have an idea of what I could do to help them?Thanks


KimG21 profile image
KimG21 in reply to Laneyk33

Hi Sam

Oh yes that’s the exact same feeling I get it’s like it skips then thuds! It’s horrible! Yeah mine can happen after eating too and happened after the operation, I definitely think it’s hormonal thing. Thats good you have an app too.

I’ve never really been able to find a trigger for mine as sometimes they lessen by themselves and other days they are constant. Anxiety can prove them, caffeine, stress, alcohol, but most they are harmless so I’ve been told. They are annoying more than anything. I have found eating well, exercise, deep breathing can help , hand watching dr Sanjay Gupta York cardiology on you tube helped me accept them and realise they are not dangerous. Def always get them checked out for your own peace of mind. Honestly what is woman need to go through! Keep us updated with your apps and here anything if you need anything x

Laneyk33 profile image

Thank you so much for replying! It's a relief knowing I can reach out for advice from another woman who has been through it. I will come back and update when I hear what the Dr has to say. I for sure have a food trigger. Was fine yesterday until we stopped at a shake shoppe for ice cream. After a few bites I was having palpatations. Had the kids over last night for pizza and after the pizza they got much worse. Today I haven't eaten much at all and have only had a few here and there. I've cut back on caffeine, I don't drink alcohol. But I do love diet Mt dew..may have to find caffeine free..again, thank you for replying.. thankful I found you 🩷

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