Pregnant a year after Endometriosis Surgery - Endometriosis UK

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Pregnant a year after Endometriosis Surgery

Kwyn profile image
24 Replies

I had severe Endometriosis and had an op a year ago to remove it which was successful and I have been pain free so far since. I was told I had a better chance of getting pregnant after my op but to be honest I had given up on the idea and personally didn’t want to go down the ivf route. 4 days ago I found out I am 6 weeks pregnant, it was such a shock and I didn’t quite believe it but after doing 6 tests 😂 that all say positive it’s now sinking in. I’m feeling happy and excited but also quite anxious as I read online that there are more risks for people who suffer with endo.

Because I have positive tests my doctor isn’t doing a blood test, I have filled out a midwife form and handed it in and waiting to hear for an appointment.

Are there any similar experiences out there and your pregnancies have been perfectly ok?


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Kwyn profile image
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24 Replies
missm87 profile image

It's nice to hear good news relating to endo. I am awaiting my second lap and sometimes I think children won't happen for me :( but your story made me smile today. Also you must of spent a small fortune on tests lol.

Kwyn profile image
Kwyn in reply to missm87

Yes 😂 I took them over 4 days, i became a little obsessed as couldn’t quite believe it.

My surgeon said my case of endo was up there as one of the worst he had seen and so if it’s possible for me then it’s possible for you too. I am pleased that this has made you smile and has given you a little bit of hope.

Hope your 2nd lap goes well xx

Nicola2401 profile image

Hello! Congrats on your pregnancy!! Such exciting news! I am currently 19 weeks pregnant and got pregnant almost exactly a year after my second lap to remove severe endo too, so we're in the same boat! My pregnancy so far (touch wood) has been fab and have had no pain, no issues, no nothing really! My one piece of advice would be not to read stories on sites like mumsnet about early pregnancy - they scared the life out of me and we tend to forget that entries on those sites are heavily weighted towards women who have (very sadly) had bad experiences - whether it be with health conditions or otherwise. I also have quite a few friends who have endo and have gone on to have multiple healthy pregnancies and babies, so the best thing you can do is enjoy that excitement and look after yourself :) all the best x

Kwyn profile image
Kwyn in reply to Nicola2401

Thank you 😊 very exciting indeed!! I have already made the mistake of looking at those kind of sites and so that’s why I’m here looking for reassurance, I’m not going to look at them anymore and will try to be positive and not stress anymore. Thanks for sharing your story and those of your friends, it’s very encouraging and made me feel better. It’s nice to know we are not alone in these experiences and other people are going through the exact same thing. I wish you all the very best with your 🤰 Take care xx

Rehanat profile image

Hi- I have severe endo but had my little girl dec 2017 and my pregnancy was absolutely fine, endo pain disappeared and labour was also ok. Don’t worry and just enjoy ur pregnancy x

Kwyn profile image
Kwyn in reply to Rehanat

Thank you for sharing your experience, it’s nice to hear some positivity and it’s helping me to not feel so worried. Congratulations on your having your little girl, miracle babies xx

Debrakay1704 profile image

Great news!! Congratulations. xxx

Kwyn profile image
Kwyn in reply to Debrakay1704

Thanks so much 😊 very excited!! Hope your 12 week scan goes well. I can’t wait to have one, thinking about booking a private one in a weeks time.

Take care x

Debrakay1704 profile image
Debrakay1704 in reply to Kwyn

Thank you, how many weeks will you be? xx

Kwyn profile image
Kwyn in reply to Debrakay1704

I’m just over 6 weeks so will 7 in a weeks time. x

Debrakay1704 profile image
Debrakay1704 in reply to Kwyn

perfect I had mine at 7 weeks 4 days so that I could see the heartbeat, keep me posted. xx

Kwyn profile image
Kwyn in reply to Debrakay1704

Will do, thank you x

Roro1 profile image

That’s great news. Lovely to hear such positive news. There is hope, my worry is not being able to have a baby something I have wanted for a long time. I am 39 and just been diagnosed with stage 4 endo. This gives me hope. Thanks for sharing xx

Kwyn profile image
Kwyn in reply to Roro1

Thank you 😊 I’m 37 next week and so not exactly a spring chicken myself. My Endometriosis nurse told me it could take up to a year for everything to heal and settle down properly after my op and exactly a year later I find out I’m pregnant. If it can happen to me, it’s possible for you also. Lots of love xx

Kwyn profile image

Thank you 😊 I’m 37 next week and so not exactly a spring chicken myself. My Endometriosis nurse told me it could take up to a year for everything to heal and settle down properly after my op and exactly a year later I find out I’m pregnant. If it can happen to me, it’s possible for you also. Lots of love xx

A1239 profile image

Congratulations, it’s so nice to hear good news on here ❤️ Not being able to fall pregnant is my biggest fear, do you mind me asking where abouts your endo was/is? X

Kwyn profile image
Kwyn in reply to A1239

Thank you 😊 I had it on my bowel, bladder and ovaries and they were all stuck together and stuck to my uterus too, it was a right mess and I was in a lot of pain but Iuckily I had an amazing surgeon and he cut out the endo and put everything back in it’s place and I’ve been pain free since so far.

Wishing you all the best xx

Thanks for sharing your story. It helps me stay positive. I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility in 2017, which was totally incorrect. I could kick myself for not doing enough research as I had bloods and a HSG and No Scan!! We decided to go down the IVF route with some further fertility testing in 2019. My AMH is very good but during my ultrasound they found a 7cm endometrioma on my right ovary and two smaller Cysts on my left. I went to see a specialist and he was in shock to learn I didn't have an ultrasound with the HSG and said I had stage 4 Endo by the sounds of it. I'm waiting for an MRI scan and possible lap to confirm. I'm totally devestated by it all as I thought IVF would be tough enough to deal with, no this. The crazy thing is I have no symptoms or pain. I've had regular periods and no problems but Endo sufferers sometimes don't know they have it. Crazy eh. I just hope and pray it gets sorted during my op so that I have the chance to conceive. Xx

Kwyn profile image
Kwyn in reply to

Thanks, I always found it encouraging to hear positive stories. Sorry to hear you are suffering with this terrible disease, I was told the only way too confirm it 100% was to have a lap. My first lap was 2017 and they confirmed I had it severe, I had to wait another year for my 2nd lap 2018 where they cut the endo out. Endometriosis causes inflammation which is not a good environment to be able to get pregnant and it can also stop the sperm from getting to the egg, I tried for 5 years with no success. Every case of endo is different, some people can have a tiny amount and be in agony where as others can have it really bad and not have any pain. My endo removal made a big difference to my life, I have been pain free so far and now I’m pregnant. I hope your laps go well and by having the surgery you will have a better chance of conceiving. Wishing you all the best on your journey xx

ali_cupcake profile image

Congratulations! Thank you so much for sharing it gives me hope for the future! X

Kwyn profile image
Kwyn in reply to ali_cupcake

Thank you 😊 I hope it all works out for you xx

FlashbackIVF profile image

Thank you so much for sharing. Your story sounds like mine. Similar endo locations and diagnostic lap in 2017. I just had excision almost a couple of weeks ago so it’s great to see this. I had one child through IVF pre endo diagnosis so hoping this second lap fixed things ❤️

Good luck throughout your pregnancy and beyond.

Kwyn profile image
Kwyn in reply to FlashbackIVF

Thank you. I fell pregnant a year after my op, it takes time for your body to heal up. Hope all goes well for you xx

Luc81 profile image

So happy for you, congratulations!! who was your surgeon? My laporoscopy was not good. I think my doctor wasn't especialts for endometriosis. Everything got worse since then. Is so important to get the right doctor.

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