Endo Fighting Diet - non medical - Endometriosis UK

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Endo Fighting Diet - non medical

Jaas1 profile image
8 Replies

Hi guys,

I have been diagnosed with endometriosis 2 years ago and i had a laparoscopy about a year ago. Symptoms improved after lap but eventually came back after about 6 months. Since then i was put on different pills which had adverse effects so my gynocologist put me on the evra patch so it bypasses my gut. I've been on it for about 1 year and decided to come off it last week because i don't like the idea of being on medicine for life as my body will rely on it and I'll be stuck. I also watched a lot of documentries on the medical system and pharmaceutical companies which scared me as they these companies don't care about the patients at all its all about money. One company in particular who was sued for billions was johnson and johnson who made the evra patch that i was but only had 1 thing in mind which was money. Long story cut short i decided to do my own research and plan. Attached a picture of what i think i need to help my body (1-5) (ignore the msg from my husband on the side!!) And a list of categories on the left in red which i feel i should be consuming daily if not every other day and in black some options which i can try. Below that is an endo fighting diet i found and i have been trying since last week. It doesn't taste too bad and I'm willing to try anything just so I'm medicine free for as long as i can. Feel free to take a look and ask as many questions as u like. Just thought I'd share it in the hope that it would help someone. Ps I've been putting 1tbls of turmeric into my tea daily (anti inflammatory agent) and when i came off my patch and had my withdrawal bleed my pain had decreased alot. I have been adding this to my diet the past 3 months so please do try it out if you can. I have also started st Johns wort capsules today to see if this has any effect on me. Stay tuned for more updates! STAY STRONG GIRLS! x

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Jaas1 profile image
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8 Replies
applebird profile image

Amazing!! Thanks x

AJJ123 profile image

I tried the endo diet and it was fab although I lost an immense amount of weight on it. I like to have a few curves in the right places. I still have very little to no dairy unless in the odd chocolate bar and I found that being on the diet for a few months actually sorted it out. I cannot eat any red meat though, if I do I limit it hugely. The reason being is that I cramp really badly for a few days after. I stick to mainly fish, chicken and turkey throughout the week. Hope this works for you xx

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to AJJ123

Thanks for posting this though, it’s great to see it all up on a board highlighting the benefits of each food. X

BonitaBB profile image

Thanks for this, I like how you have put all the things that will help rather than all the things we cant have!! Definitely going to copy this idea.

I've recently also started looking at supplements and the endo diet too and making changes and finding all the "what we can't have" a bit depressing!! I already have a serious nut allergy that I have to be very careful around so this feels like another thing diet wise to contend with.

But like you, I also don't want to be on meds forever and really want to try and manage pain and symptoms via lifestyle changes if possible.

It's difficult because online there seems like there is a lot of conflicting evidence/just not enough research. My doc has referred me to a dietician in Sept so am interested to hear their view given this!

It's so interesting because I've gone 7 years undiagnosed, and had slowly made diet changes anyway which felt right for my body/excess bloating/bowel pain...and all the things I have either restricted or cut out completely are totally in line with the endo diet.

Anyway thank you & good luck!!

Jenefer profile image

Brilliant! Thanks!

mayneanwar profile image

I was diagnosed with endometriosis this year. I have been dealing with it most of my life but never knew what it was.I think that you may be onto something here. I to do not want to depend on medicine thank you so much for sharing this information.

EndoAdenoLady profile image

Thankyou so much for sharing this it is so useful. I have just had a total hysterectomy and excision surgery for stage 4 endometriosis. I have been on prostap and am finally coming off this next month. I do worry about endo returning and want to do all I can naturally through diet now to stay as healthy as I can. Your photo is so helpful for me to start making those changes - thankyou!

Healthnut25 profile image

Hi there Jaas - your new plan for anti-endo regime looks fab. I've followed a similar regime (on and off) for the past few years. How are you getting on now - a month down the line?

By the way, I used to work as a pharma rep, and also as a medical devices rep for Johnson & Johnson and yes - you're right - these companies are after the money, first and foremost. I no longer work for those companies and now sell an alternative type of therapy - cold lasers for biostimulation, so a very different field (my heart was no longer in pharma - and synthetic ways of treating conditions). However, I do think that J&J were far more ethical than some of the other companies I worked for. Ultimately they did look after their patients (and their families) well if there were any recalls/ product faults etc (well - that was the devices side of things anyway - I didn't work for their pharmaceutical division). The problem with drug companies is that they can make squillions if they can design a drug, put it through expensive clinical trials, and patent it, cos no-one else can get their hands on it for a good 10 years. And yet sometimes these drugs are actually based on a naturally growing plant - the same beneficial effects, but the designed drug often comes with side effects, when the plant may not. Willow bark has constituents in it that are used for curing cancer, and the chemotherapy agents (such as paclitaxel) are effectively clones of those constituents - but with slight changes so that they can be patented, and charge squillions for - and which can come with horrible side-effects. But no company would be interested in collecting heaps of willow bark and selling the extracts of it to cure cancer, because that company wouldn't own the molecule - it's just a bit of willow bark, which many people could get hold of and sell. Aspirin too originally came from the Meadowsweet flower and the Foxglove flower gave us digitalis, a really effective drug for heart failure, but which was copied in the lab and recreated as a synthetic product. So - that's how drug companies are greedy - they need to isolate a new molecule that no-one else has made, make it like something else that has gone before it, and sod the side-effects, and flog it to doctors using reps (like I used to be) in fancy flash cars who schmooze with doctors and ply them with dinner and lots of flattery, and take them on trips, which is all paid for by the squillions they charge for it. And sadly the companies who are more for the greater good and just sell the natural products that work can't get squillions, because they can't patent their product. So, they also can't pay for fancy reps and fancy dinners/trips - and they can't pay for layers of expensive clinical trials, so sadly the doctors don't take it seriously, and few people hear about the good things they have to offer. And this, sadly, is the whole problem with the medical industry. It's all about new molecules and money unfortunately.

Sorry - i've waffled a bit there. Your point about the money was interesting - and it got me thinking about why people poo-poo the idea of natural products - and it's basically all down to the greed of pharma companies which indirectly gets in the way of it all.... :-/

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