Can i get pregnant after Zoladix treatment? - Endometriosis UK

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Can i get pregnant after Zoladix treatment?

shaimaa profile image
19 Replies

I've Zoladix treatment for six months, i still have 1 injection, i traveled with my husband to another country so i can't contact my doctor, i want to know what will happen after the treatment? When my period will come back? Can i get pregnant? i Just get married a year ago and really want to have children,? can i get pregnant normally?

pls give me your answers.

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shaimaa profile image
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19 Replies
Impatient profile image

Zoladex is dangerous for babies, so pregnancy must be avoided while any of the drug remains in the body...and that has been tested and shown to be about 4 months after the last implant is put in you. Thoughout the treatment and for the months after it is finished when the residue is still in the body you must use condoms to avoid getting pregnant.

BC pills do not work and the drug itself is not a contraceptive.

You should restart ovulation at some point after the drug is stopped. the average wait for a period is 5 months. so half of ladies quicker than that, and nearly half take longer and a tiny number unfortunately do not get their ovaries to wake up.

As for getting pregnant, you do need to be ovulating, and you also need to have a clear passage for the egg to leave the ovary , travel through the fallopian tube in to the uterus to be fertilised that can only happen either because he route is clear on one of both sides and free of endo and adhesions...or if blocked then you by-pass the blockage by having IVF.

Without knowing where your endo was found and how much treatment you have had on it, none of us can answer your questions.

If you had surgery to diagnose the endo then speak with your GP who will have your notes, or write to your surgeon to ask for the locations of the endo and whether he/she thinks that it is possible for you to try natural conception or skip that and go straight for IVF.

If both tubes are clear then then average is 6 months to get pregnant after you begin trying and if one tube is blocked then double that to 12 months of trying...after which you will need to have further investigations to see if IVF is a possibility for you.

Why should being in another country stop you contacting your doctor? You can email or send a letter or make a phone call. If you can write on this forum then you do have access to the internet and can use that to get a message to your doctor. Most GP surgeries are now online throughout the UK with e-mail access too. Certainly all th hospitals are, so your gynae surgeon's department will be contactable online too.

With 1 implant to still have, you need to avoid getting pregnant till about the end of February. So need to keep using condoms till then. hopefully you periods will have returned by then or soon after, and when they do, you know you are probably ovulating again and can try to get pregnant naturally provided all systems are clear and working properly.

shaimaa profile image
shaimaa in reply to Impatient

Many thanks for your reply, it's really bad that i can't contact my GP nor by phone or email for about 2 months now, i'm trying to get a good one now before the course finish to follow with him the next stage,

i diagnosed with endo 1 year ago, i had laparoscopie surgery and it found (large chocolate cyst on the right ovary, "which removed during the surgery", lift ovary had small cyst about 3 cm, both tubes healthy and clear, the pouch had multi endo foci with coarse adhesion).

i started Zoladex course foe 6 months after the surgery,

with my case can i get pregnant normally or i'll have to skip to IVF immediately as i'm worried of endo will re back again within 6 months of treatment as i read,

shaimaa profile image
shaimaa in reply to Impatient

I've finished Zoladix treatment 4month's before getting IVF.. now i'm using tabs for unpregnant... endo was diagnosed on the right ovary and th GP removed the cyst from the Ovary . both tube are clear that was 2 years ago. I made a check 2weeks ago with no endo left... but the doctors have different pinion that confused me...

He wants me to stop tabs I use that is safety with breasts feeding.. and let period come.. but i afraid that will let endo come again.. I want to keep my body with no endo till I want to have another baby.. for another 3months.

Other opinion to continue tabs for anothr 3months till my baby become 1year old... but i want to know does it will affect my fertility???

honeychild profile image

I completed my zoladex course in February and my period returned within a month. People told me it would take up to six months for my period to return or maybe not at all, which was not the case. In reality its great to able to ask questions but each of our own experiences with zoladex which will be different. I am now 5 months pregnant with my second baby and like yourself was very anxious about whether I will be able to conceive after the treatment. I wish you many babies and happiness X

shaimaa profile image
shaimaa in reply to honeychild

many thanks for your reply, i have question for you, how long did you wait until you get your first pregnant after the treatment finish?

shaimaa profile image
shaimaa in reply to honeychild

Many thanks... that mean I should i try to keep my body safe of endo till my next try for another baby??

honeychild profile image

5 months :)

shaimaa profile image
shaimaa in reply to honeychild

Many thanks.

Charlotte123 profile image

Hello, I am going in the zoldaix form this week till January, I saw my gynecologist last week and he recommended well told me to stay on birth control for 3-4months after the course should of finished, I am only having short go at it while I sort my other medication out for another health condition and get my body ready for pregancy. So with it finishing in January the earliest recommend to come of birth control and start trying is May/June time. I hope this helps. Good luck!

shaimaa profile image
shaimaa in reply to Charlotte123

Many thanks for your helpful reply, i think i'll follow your advice for waiting 3-4 months after the course finish, during that get my body ready for pregnancy.

Impatient profile image

charlotte..not any old birth control... must use barrier methods, like condoms etc.

The BC pill for example is ineffective while you are also on the Zoladex. Basically don't let your partner's sperm anywhere near your uterus. To be honest the last thing you will want to do is have sex anyway when the drug crashes any libido you had down to zero, but if you do want to have sex, always use a condom, or cap to trap the sperm before it gets near the uterus. If your partner won't use a condom or can't because they are allergic, then don't have sex.

shaimaa profile image
shaimaa in reply to Impatient

i think candoms will be effective, but during the course i didn't use any methods of birth control as my GP told me that Zoladex itself stop the ovulation accordingly pregnancy won't happen during the course,

Impatient profile image
Impatient in reply to shaimaa

Your GP didn't read the patient advice leaflet and it doesn't sound like you did either. Anyway you do now know how dangerous it is to pregnancy, so please do use condoms from now on till it is safe not to use them.

shaimaa profile image
shaimaa in reply to Impatient

Many thanks, this site really help me.

Littlelady83 profile image

I was on zoladex and had a baby 3 years ago... I had been off zoladex and trying for five years and gor pregnant after taking clomid (i think thats the name)

Good luck

Olufunky1 profile image
Olufunky1 in reply to Littlelady83

Hi littlelady83, how long after zoladex did you use clomid? Were your tubes patent? I just took my last doze of zoladex and really anxious about getting pregnant

Littlelady83 profile image
Littlelady83 in reply to Olufunky1

Honestly they advised wouldn't give it for 2 years but then I had a pulmonary embolism. They don't know why but think it was a side effect of the zoladex. So i had a few rough years and most likely wont apply to you. On the upside, it is definitely possible. And with my history if I can have a baby anyone can with help.

To be honest I truly believe I only got pregnant when I really relaxed, started enjoying sex again and had given up hope on having a baby so my advice is just relax and as soon as you can try, enjoy it x

Littlelady83 profile image
Littlelady83 in reply to Littlelady83

I should say it also depends on how many cycles of zoladex youve had. I had more than normal at 9 months straight

Marriia profile image

Hello, how long did it take to get pregnant after zoladex injection? Did you try any other medication or you ovulated naturally? I read you got baby , congrats dear❤️

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