Posts - Ehlers-Danlos Support UK | HealthUnlocked

Ehlers-Danlos Support UK

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All posts for May 2015

Ataxia and EDS

I have an unknown type of ataxia, thought to be genetic. I have many gastrointes...
pennypoop profile image

EDS and Endometriosis

Hello there! I am making a plea to anyone who has both EDS and endometriosis if...
Fhfay profile image

Hms but may have pots

How do you become tested for pots? After a few people suggest I may have it aft...
angie610 profile image
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Is this definitely hereditary?

Hi everyone, My mother died when I was seven years old, she had a Cesarean sect...
geminimax profile image

Just diagnosed

Hi, I've just been diagnosed with hypermobility EDS type 3 .... Which goes some ...
Suzysheep profile image

Elevated Inflammatory markers in EDS

Hi, I'm Gill & I suffer from EDS It never bothered me when I was younger & I qui...
grannyg profile image

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