Posts - Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation | HealthUnlocked

Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation

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All posts for October 2018

Early Monday Morning: DEXCOM

Well, the alarm went off (again) on the DEXCOM. This morning, I got woken up at...
Activity2004 profile image

Serum creatinine

Whether immuno suppressant tablets increase creatinine in blood

Type2 Diabetes

I saw a consultant diabetes Doctor last Friday. I wanted to try and identify th...
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Please could someone tell me if this is an American website?
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LCHF Diet-- Are we eating the Healthy fats??

As a part of LCHF diet , we aim at eating 60-70% of our daily calories from Fat....
namaha profile image

Update/Friday: DEXCOM

The old sensor was replaced on Friday evening. It worked, but it was really odd...
Activity2004 profile image

Early Wake Up: DEXCOM

Hello everyone. I hope you're having a good day/evening so far. At 2:20 AM, I w...
Activity2004 profile image

Newly diagnosed

Just got diagnosed with diabetes type 2 I’m in hospital I’m just wondering how ...
Lene-Alice profile image

Just been diagnosed

Hello everyone. Hope are all as well as can be expected. I've just been diagnose...
Hidden profile image

Question on diet

So, if my glucose is good, then my diet for the day has been good or could it ef...
Vicky68 profile image


This might be a stupid question but how many grams of carbs are we allowed to ha...
Piano333 profile image

New Sensor Friday: DEXCOM

Sorry this is a little late, but I had been busier than normal this week. This w...
Activity2004 profile image

High Numbers

I visited my gp this morning. He doesn't agree that 7.4 is too high a number. He...
Piano333 profile image

Food and insulin

My sister who now has diabetes t2 is finding it hard to control her sugars - lik...

Need advice regarding appointments?

I was diagnosed in November with diabetes but since then haven’t had check up or...
GemGem95 profile image

Always hungry, but for carbs. only!!!

I was diagnosed with D2 in 2015. Initially, I didn't see a need to change anythi...
Piano333 profile image

I show signs of diabetes but my blood tests are normal?

I show signs of diabetes in that i get symptoms of pale, cold skin (especially h...
healthiskey profile image

Sensor Failed! 😩

Well, I got a bad surprise while I was at my brother’s house this afternoon afte...
Activity2004 profile image

Sensor News: DEXCOM

Hi everyone! Sorry this is a little late. I was really busy today. The old sen...
Activity2004 profile image