What are the fruits/vegetables you ea... - Diabetes Research...

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What are the fruits/vegetables you eat the most in Summer and warm weather to control blood sugars? Multiple choice.

Activity2004 profile imageActivity2004Administrator29 Voters
Green Beans
White Mushrooms
None of the Above/Other: Please say in Comments.
6 Replies

I love all of the listed fruits . I don't eat a lot of fresh veg however. Ironically, my Doc has told me to "sparingly ,( if at all ) consume most of the melon's and berries to lessen my sugar intake. 'Taint fair!

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

Hi Hidden ,

It's good to hear that your doctor has suggested that you eat the berries and melons for better blood sugar/carb. control. I also like a lot of the berries and melons along with a few other fruits and vegetables listed/not listed in the list for the poll.

Recently, I had a berry-peanut combo. for a dessert last week. It was a parfait in a bowl. Really good. It was a blueberry/blackberry/raspberry combo. mix with the peanuts scattered around. That was really healthy and cool for a warm evening's night. :-)

in reply to Activity2004

I've been making smoothies to get someone cool and get my fruits in.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

Smoothies are a great way to get your fruits and vegetables for the day. I have smoothies for lunch now and then, too. :-)

My answers pertain to my husband rather than me, and generally speaking he just loves vegetables and things like watermelon. But I had to laugh to see mushrooms there. He desperately hates them and can detect a tiny slice which has made its way into his portion, when I've been eating them. He thinks they are devil's food and that's such a shame as I love them!

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to

Hi Sue,

Thank you for letting me know that about the mushrooms. They are one of my favorite things to have on a salad now and then when we have them in the house.

Watermelon is one of my favorite Summer fruits to eat when we have a cookout/party. :-)